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On 11/6/2021 at 1:44 PM, LSUDad said:

I was eating at Pocorellos yesterday, Scott Woodward’s,  Dad and brother were having lunch with us.

Some might remember the Hawks Nest Restaurant in BTR, the owner,  Ray “Big Head” Smith, passed away years ago, his brother Wally was in there eating also. Wally and I got to talk about years ago with his brother. 

If you are ever in BTR on a Friday, Pocorellos is a great stop. Muffulettas, Pasta Dishes, Stuffed Artichokes, too much good stuff. 

If anyone wants to do lunch at Pokies on a Friday, let me know. Never know who will show up. My friend sent me this note today.

“We had a special guest at lunch today, Coach Kim Mulkey. She came to our table & shot the breeze with Mr. Sam, Doc, Don, Judge, Knucklehead & me. She's a pretty cool lady & we welcomed her back home, she said she's glad to be back.”



Edited by LSUDad
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When we didn’t have a baseball coach, Jay was announced. When Vargas took another job, Kim was introduced. When you don’t have a coach, the new coach will be introduced. Woody’s done this before. The odds the new coach wins a NC? I’ll take those odds. 

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1. Napier

The guy is 37-12 all in the Sunbelt, but is somehow NOT considered Justin Fuente light. I'll acknowledge I don't know his entire history, just looking at his HC experience. But I don't get the infatuation with him given this HC resume. The damn Sunbelt? It's almost like a "one of us" scenario, but he's from Tennessee.

2. Jimbo

Seemingly hated here for whatever reason. Has an excellent overall coaching record (as a HC at only Power 5 schools, including SEC). I don't like his offense at the moment, so he's not my fave, but to act like he's not better than Napier is laughable. There's literally NO basis in fact or evidence of this. In fact, there's factual evidence Jimbo has a FAR better resume than Napier. People talk about Napier as an ace recruiter. Anyone seen TAMU's class?

3. Riley

Probably the top choice IMO. Completely calls his side of the ball and is an excellent QB coach. If LSU could pull him away from OU, he'd kill it recruiting Louisiana. I THINK the hurdles he's had are related to superior talent in the SEC every time he's faced a great SEC team in the playoffs. If he's at LSU, once he got the roster built back he'd be the guy with the superior talent. The fact he hasn't issued a stern denial of interest doesn't necessarily mean he's actually interested. Jimbo had no leverage to gain. He just signed his extension a couple months ago. Riley could be using LSU as leverage to get something he wants from OU. I just don't know what it'd be. His assistants are paid well, they have nice facilities, and he's paid well. We'll see.

4. Aranda

Smartest guy in the room, IMO of the guys mentioned in this search, he's #2 behind Riley. While O was depending on Lane Kiffen to tell him what defense we're running, Aranda was in the spur of the moment realizing a "meaningless" field goal against  OU would be important down the line determining the 3rd place Big 12 tiebreaker.  Dude is a savant.

5. Bill O'Brien

I guess people pay more attention to the Texans than what he did at PSU. He deserves a LOT of credit for that crap he inherited at PSU and what he did with it. Not my top choice for sure, just not sure why he's so scoffed at and seemingly hated.

6. Mel Tucker

Has he signed that extension yet? I DO think he was a serious candidate for LSU, just not sure Woody ever wanted him. And I think he's been a smoke screen all along. Woody basically is setting the market, and MSU took the bait.

7. Some other coach

Definitely in Woody's DNA to put out all these smoke screens and then announce a shocker, perhaps a Matt Rhule (absolutely my #1 just no clue it's even an option)


For the Napier fanatics, let the downvotes rain since I didn't tout the magnificence of a Sunbelt coach with a pretty good record. Just wondering why so many are pushing him so hard they're freaking out UF might "steal him" from us. I think he's a good fall back option if a few others tell us no.  But he's not a home run hire at the moment, IMO.

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3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

1. Napier

The guy is 37-12 all in the Sunbelt, but is somehow NOT considered Justin Fuente light. I'll acknowledge I don't know his entire history, just looking at his HC experience. But I don't get the infatuation with him given this HC resume. The damn Sunbelt? It's almost like a "one of us" scenario, but he's from Tennessee.

I personally haven't followed or paid attention, but from what I've read/heard:

The big draw to him is that he reminds people of Nick Saban. His attention to detail and organization are supposedly off the charts.
He's also said to have the same speech patterns as Nick.

Consider this the football equivalent to "Mike Bianco even walks like Skip Bertman"

3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

2. Jimbo

Seemingly hated here for whatever reason. Has an excellent overall coaching record (as a HC at only Power 5 schools, including SEC). I don't like his offense at the moment, so he's not my fave, but to act like he's not better than Napier is laughable. There's literally NO basis in fact or evidence of this. In fact, there's factual evidence Jimbo has a FAR better resume than Napier. People talk about Napier as an ace recruiter. Anyone seen TAMU's class?

Yeah, I don't get the hate. Same as you, I'm not enamored with the offense, but the guy can coach. The guy can recruit.

3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

3. Riley

Probably the top choice IMO. Completely calls his side of the ball and is an excellent QB coach. If LSU could pull him away from OU, he'd kill it recruiting Louisiana. I THINK the hurdles he's had are related to superior talent in the SEC every time he's faced a great SEC team in the playoffs. If he's at LSU, once he got the roster built back he'd be the guy with the superior talent. The fact he hasn't issued a stern denial of interest doesn't necessarily mean he's actually interested. Jimbo had no leverage to gain. He just signed his extension a couple months ago. Riley could be using LSU as leverage to get something he wants from OU. I just don't know what it'd be. His assistants are paid well, they have nice facilities, and he's paid well. We'll see.

On your list of names, he's #1.
I do question his ability to field a competent defense as he hasn't had to yet, but will in this league.  Doesn't mean he can't. Just sating he hasn't yet.

3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

4. Aranda

Smartest guy in the room, IMO of the guys mentioned in this search, he's #2 behind Riley. While O was depending on Lane Kiffen to tell him what defense we're running, Aranda was in the spur of the moment realizing a "meaningless" field goal against  OU would be important down the line determining the 3rd place Big 12 tiebreaker.  Dude is a savant.

Go listen to his post game pressers. Guy is probably close to genius level IQ. Very cold and calculated.

I think he would do very well her if matched with the correct OC.

3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

5. Bill O'Brien

I guess people pay more attention to the Texans than what he did at PSU. He deserves a LOT of credit for that crap he inherited at PSU and what he did with it. Not my top choice for sure, just not sure why he's so scoffed at and seemingly hated.

Because he's not sexy. At all.
And let's face it, this is one of the worst Gumps offenses in the last several years too.


3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

6. Mel Tucker

Has he signed that extension yet? I DO think he was a serious candidate for LSU, just not sure Woody ever wanted him. And I think he's been a smoke screen all along. Woody basically is setting the market, and MSU took the bait.

another Hire i wouldn't hate, but can't say i would dance around to celebrate either.
He's got a good career path so far.  But for a guy who has spend 20 of the last 24 years as DB coach of DC, holy hell Mich State's ass defense is DREADFUL

They are quite comfortably in last place in the country right now.
2nd worst team is currently statistically closer to jumping ahead 10 spots than they are of falling far enough back to catch MSU.

And they weren't wild beaters back there last year either (#72 nationally), and Colorado was #123 the previous year.

3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

7. Some other coach

Definitely in Woody's DNA to put out all these smoke screens and then announce a shocker, perhaps a Matt Rhule (absolutely my #1 just no clue it's even an option)

Everything is an option. Make him say "no"


3 hours ago, Fishhead said:


For the Napier fanatics, let the downvotes rain since I didn't tout the magnificence of a Sunbelt coach with a pretty good record. Just wondering why so many are pushing him so hard they're freaking out UF might "steal him" from us. I think he's a good fall back option if a few others tell us no.  But he's not a home run hire at the moment, IMO.


i ain't scared of FU.


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Six years ago, these coaches were coaching teams that wound up in the top ten at the end of the season. I left Saban (Alabama), Swinney (Clemson), David Shaw (Stanford), and Gary Patterson (just fired from TCU) off of the list. 

  • Urban Meyer (4th)
  • Lincoln Riley (5th)
  • Mike D'Antonio (6th)
  • Tom Herman (8th)
  • Kirk Ferentz (9th)
  • Hugh Freeze (10th)

Interesting that none of these guys - all coaches of top 10 teams as recently as 2015 - appear on any "LSU Coaching Candidates" lists except for Lincoln Riley and ever so rarely, Hugh Freeze.

I've seen Hugh Freeze mentioned on some other sites but really only in passing.

It would astound me if Woodward hasn't done due diligence on all of these and at least talked to their agents. Everyone is fixated on Fisher, Napier, Riley, Aranda, Kiffen, and occasionally Cristobal as being the only options LSU is looking at to fill our not-soon-enough-to-be-vacated Head Football Coach position.

Looking at that list, I think every single one is a viable option (with the possible exception of Kirk Ferentz who Might be "too entrenched" at Iowa but he ain't from there and he might think LSU would be a way better opportunity than the Iowa corn fields).

I'd also add (and have before) Brian Kelly at ND as a possibility (whose team finished 11th in 2015, btw).

2015 was not that long ago. It was the year we hired Orgeron (but before we LOST to Troy).


  • Urban Meyer - struggling in the NFL at Jacksonville. Would be a solid hire for LSU.
  • Lincoln Riley - may or may not have been offered the job. I 100% agree with Nootch's comments about his defense.
  • Mike D'Antonio - one could strongly argue that Mel Tucker is winning with D'Antonio's players. D'Antonio had some very solid defenses at Michigan State, that Tucker has not been able to replicate.
  • Tom Herman - gets no love from LSU because he looked at the prospect of working for Joe Alleva and decided to go to Texas instead. Absolutely solid coach who - like others before and after him - can thank Texas for their lack of success there.
  • Kirk Ferentz - great coach of a team that is usually somewhere in the top 15 but will never get to smell the playoffs at Iowa.
  • Hugh Freeze - widely considered a guy that can develop talent but apparently let the little head do too much thinking.
  • Brian Kelly - for the people fixated on Woodward being a 'big game hunter', Kelly would fit that mold to a "t".

 Why is Riley the only one out of all of these guys who is on just about every list out there and the rest of these ignored?

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Coaching search, bad side.

Mac fired after 18 seasons.

Bo Rein, never coached a game.

Stovall fired after 4 seasons.

Arnsparger left to be the AD at Fla.

Archer fired after 4 seasons.

Hallman fired after 4 seasons.

Dinardo fired after 5 seasons.

Hal Hunter, interim for 1 game. 

Saban, left for Dolphins.

Miles fired in 12th season. 

Ed O fired in 6th season. 

The Good.

Last three guys won a NC, last two would have never won it anywhere else. 

I believe if Arnsparger would have stayed, he would have had a chance at a NC. Bo Rein was that up and coming coach. Stovall took over the program, kept most of Bo’s staff. 

Woody likes to shoot high, locates his choice, goes and gets them. As for now, Jimmy Sexton represents way too many coaches, he’s kind of locked in. Like 11 of 14 SEC coaches this season. Ed O has My 3 Tiger Boyz, LLC. representing him. 


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4 minutes ago, Herb said:
  • Urban Meyer - struggling in the NFL at Jacksonville. Would be a solid hire for LSU.

would be a quick fix. but a short one before "health issues" pop up again. 
and we already firing a coach that can't seem to keep himself off of videos with young blondes.

4 minutes ago, Herb said:
  • Lincoln Riley - may or may not have been offered the job. I 100% agree with Nootch's comments about his defense.

he's on everyone's list.

4 minutes ago, Herb said:
  • Mike D'Antonio - one could strongly argue that Mel Tucker is winning with D'Antonio's players. D'Antonio had some very solid defenses at Michigan State, that Tucker has not been able to replicate.

His name is Mark, not Mike.
3 of his last 4 season had 6+ losses.  That is completely unacceptable for an established coach.

4 minutes ago, Herb said:
  • Tom Herman - gets no love from LSU because he looked at the prospect of working for Joe Alleva and decided to go to Texas instead. Absolutely solid coach who - like others before and after him - can thank Texas for their lack of success there.

if Woodward or even Skip was our AD in 2015, he would be our coach here.
May not have had the amusingness of 2019, but would very possibly still have a title and likely competed for another.


4 minutes ago, Herb said:
  • Kirk Ferentz - great coach of a team that is usually somewhere in the top 15 but will never get to smell the playoffs at Iowa.

um, they have almost twice as many UNRANKED finishes (11) as they do ranked at all (6) since 2005.

if Woodward so much as accidentally butt dials this guy, he needs to be Terminated with Extreme Prejudice


4 minutes ago, Herb said:
  • Hugh Freeze - widely considered a guy that can develop talent but apparently let the little head do too much thinking.

We are still in the middle of a Title IX investigation.

anyone who has even the slightest little hint of any sort of baggage related to women can be erased completely from your list.

nobody named Briles
nobody named Freeze

These are not happening. At all. forget them.


4 minutes ago, Herb said:
  • Brian Kelly - for the people fixated on Woodward being a 'big game hunter', Kelly would fit that mold to a "t".

ehhh, he would be on the lower end of a "big game" list.

wouldn't despise it, but wouldn't love it either.
he would probably be somewhat like Les was.  JUUUUUUUST successful enough to not get fired.
Note: I mean success level, not stylisticly, when saying similar to Les.

4 minutes ago, Herb said:

 Why is Riley the only one out of all of these guys who is on just about every list out there and the rest of these ignored?

see my answers above.

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I actually want to high school with a guy named Mike D'Antonio, so to quote OGREon: "My bad".

1 hour ago, Nutriaitch said:

ehhh, he would be on the lower end of a "big game" list.

wouldn't despise it, but wouldn't love it either.
he would probably be somewhat like Les was.  JUUUUUUUST successful enough to not get fired.
Note: I mean success level, not stylisticly, when saying similar to Les.


Brian Kelley is way higher on a "big game" list than Riley and your choice of Matt Rhule. Longer track record of proven success, more NCAA playoff appearances, better defenses, and more of a "blue blood" program than either Oklahoma or Baylor.

For that matter, he's higher on a "big game" list than just about every candidate discussed for the LSU vacancy.

1 hour ago, Nutriaitch said:

We are still in the middle of a Title IX investigation.

anyone who has even the slightest little hint of any sort of baggage related to women can be erased completely from your list.

nobody named Briles
nobody named Freeze

These are not happening. At all. forget them.

Then you also have to forget Joey Freshwater from ever getting near this program.

1 hour ago, Nutriaitch said:

if Woodward so much as accidentally butt dials this guy, he needs to be Terminated with Extreme Prejudice

So glad we have someone who knows so much more about football than everyone else here. There is a reason why Woodward is AD and not you...because Woodward evaluates everyone.

Again, Ferentz is way more of a proven commodity than Aranda, Napier, O'Brien, Tucker, and just about everyone else outside of Fisher (not going to happen) or Riley.

1 hour ago, Nutriaitch said:

would be a quick fix. but a short one before "health issues" pop up again. 
and we already firing a coach that can't seem to keep himself off of videos with young blondes.

I absolutely agree about Urban Meyer and want The Weasel nowhere near the program. But to me it is amusing that he is considered "a candidate" for USC and Florida's newly opened job, but "not a candidate" wrt LSU.

To me that shows a level of bias and ignorance around LSU.


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39 minutes ago, Herb said:



Then you also have to forget Joey Freshwater from ever getting near this program.



Still waiting for someone, anyone, to tie Kiffin to any sort of behavior that would lead to Title IX issues.  I don't get it.  

Dude plays on twitter too much, but there has been NO evidence of what you're suggesting, at least not that anyone has shown me.  What am I missing? 

Not an endorsement of Kiffin, to be clear.  Just seeking the knowledge some of y'all seem to have that I'm missing regarding his sexual misconduct and harassment issues.


With regards to Kelly, I tend to agree with you.  He's handcuffed by academic requirements at ND, yet consistently finds himself in playoff contention or, ya know, playoffs.  Yeah, he gets crushed there, but so does Riley.


With regards to Meyer, see your reasoning for discounting Kiffin.  Good grief, it's even fresh and recent.  Plus Nootch's reasons.


Frerentz, Nootch's reason is spot on factual and accurate.  They have been, in fact, unranked twice as many times as ranked under him.  It is what it is.  Also I don't think he's a Woodward type.  
I don't know nor care where he's from, but fact is he's been in Iowa for a LONG time.  You and I have talked externally about this, but I don't want a midwest guy here for recruiting reasons.  Yes, that includes a young gun like Fickel.  Just my opinion there.  It's definitely debateable.


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10 minutes ago, Fishhead said:

Still waiting for someone, anyone, to tie Kiffin to any sort of behavior that would lead to Title IX issues.  I don't get it.  

Dude plays on twitter too much, but there has been NO evidence of what you're suggesting, at least not that anyone has shown me.  What am I missing? 

Not an endorsement of Kiffin, to be clear.  Just seeking the knowledge some of y'all seem to have that I'm missing regarding his sexual misconduct and harassment issues.


With regards to Kelly, I tend to agree with you.  He's handcuffed by academic requirements at ND, yet consistently finds himself in playoff contention or, ya know, playoffs.  Yeah, he gets crushed there, but so does Riley.


With regards to Meyer, see your reasoning for discounting Kiffin.  Good grief, it's even fresh and recent.  Plus Nootch's reasons.


Frerentz, Nootch's reason is spot on factual and accurate.  They have been, in fact, unranked twice as many times as ranked under him.  It is what it is.  Also I don't think he's a Woodward type. 
I don't know nor care where he's from, but fact is he's been in Iowa for a LONG time.  You and I have talked externally about this, but I don't want a midwest guy here for recruiting reasons.  Yes, that includes a young gun like Fickel.  Just my opinion there.  It's definitely debateable.


Dude, you know I like to bust your nads about Kiffin...and that is all that it really is.  The things that worry me about him are:

  • He is probably just as much of a quick fix as Meyer. He seems like a climber whose only allegiance is to the 'next bigger, better deal".
  • I am very uncomfortable with his past, close association with Orgeron, who was joined at the hip with Kiffin through Tennessee and USC. Something really bothers me about that knowing what we now know about O. Could just be guilt by association but it disturbs me to my core.
  • I need to get over my perceived 'immaturity' thing I affix to him as we're in an era where coaches troll each other at press conferences, etc., but your "too much time on twitter' comment speaks to this.

If Woodward hired him, I'd support him fully until he gave me a reason not to. The semi-amusing 'Joey Freshwater' story might hint at Orgeron/Freeze/Meyer type behavior.

I think Brian Kelly or Tom Herman would be very good hires.

I am also not convinced that this search is limited current and former head coaches and would not be surprised to see a Marcus Freeman type hire - even though it may disappoint some because it would not live up to the "game hunter" mythology.

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2 hours ago, Herb said:

I actually want to high school with a guy named Mike D'Antonio, so to quote OGREon: "My bad".


Brian Kelley is way higher on a "big game" list than Riley and your choice of Matt Rhule. Longer track record of proven success, more NCAA playoff appearances, better defenses, and more of a "blue blood" program than either Oklahoma or Baylor.

For that matter, he's higher on a "big game" list than just about every candidate discussed for the LSU vacancy.

ok, you like him i don’t. 

if he’s at such a “blue blood” he he can’t claim lack of talent for not ever beating the couple good teams on his schedule every year. 




including Cincy this year. 
you gonna teal me Cincy has more talent than ND?

if so, his recruiting should also knock him down a rung. 

Georgia, Michigan, Iowa State last year. 
2 of those 3 got no business beating him. 


2 hours ago, Herb said:

Then you also have to forget Joey Freshwater from ever getting near this program.


his immaturity already illiminated him, but if you want to add to the list, i won’t argue. 

2 hours ago, Herb said:

So glad we have someone who knows so much more about football than everyone else here. There is a reason why Woodward is AD and not you...because Woodward evaluates everyone.

and there is a reason Ferentz has never once been mentioned as being on Scott’s list. 

guess Woody knows more than you. And i just happen to agree with him. 

ever wonder why a guy stays 23 years at a program like Iowa and never once upgraded?

could it be because his results are acceptable at a school like Iowa, but not so much at a bigger program?


2 hours ago, Herb said:

Again, Ferentz is way more of a proven commodity than Aranda, Napier, O'Brien, Tucker, and just about everyone else outside of Fisher (not going to happen) or Riley.

Ferentz has proven himself alright. 

13 of his 23 seasons with 5+ losses. 


2 hours ago, Herb said:

I absolutely agree about Urban Meyer and want The Weasel nowhere near the program. But to me it is amusing that he is considered "a candidate" for USC and Florida's newly opened job, but "not a candidate" wrt LSU.

have you looked at the history of those 2 schools hiring of coaches?

Florida is about to be on their 4th coach in 10 years. And none of their previous 3 have made it their 50th game.

USC had to fire a guy at the airport, then fire a guy for showing up to practices drunk, then fired a guy 2 weeks into the season.

do you REALLY want to be in same group as them?

2 hours ago, Herb said:

To me that shows a level of bias and ignorance around LSU.

or the other way around.


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1 hour ago, Herb said:

I am also not convinced that this search is limited current and former head coaches and would not be surprised to see a Marcus Freeman type hire

I’m ABSOLUTELY convinced that this search is limited to someone with HC success, not just experience on his resume. 


1 hour ago, Herb said:


- even though it may disappoint some because it would not live up to the "game hunter" mythology.


got Petersen to leave Boise after MANY others tried and failed. 

got Jimbo to leave a blue blood where he’d already won a title. 

got Mulkey to leave a program where she’d won multiple titles and is considered a destination job for a school with limited success in the sport (one 5-7 year stretch). 
Since Pat Summit died, she is the BIGGEST fish possible in the sport  

stole a guy with multiple Omaha trips under his belt (including a championship series appearance) from a school in the top 5 all-time in National Championships. 


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4 minutes ago, Nutriaitch said:


I’m ABSOLUTELY convinced that this search is limited to someone with HC success, not just experience on his resume. 



got Petersen to leave Boise after MANY others tried and failed. 

got Jimbo to leave a blue blood where he’d already won a title. 

got Mulkey to leave a program where she’d won multiple titles and is considered a destination job for a school with limited success in the sport (one 5-7 year stretch). 
Since Pat Summit died, she is the BIGGEST fish possible in the sport  

stole a guy with multiple Omaha trips under his belt (including a championship series appearance) from a school in the top 5 all-time in National Championships. 


Undeniable closing evidence, but I think if Woodward thought the best choice for LSU would be to hire an assistant, he'd pull that trigger. At least I think so (but I don't know jack).

I don't think Woodward would hire who he thought the 2nd best guy was simply because the best guy (in his estimation) had no HC experience.

But, he could offer that guy a variable based incentive contract...lol.

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2 minutes ago, Herb said:

Undeniable closing evidence, but I think if Woodward thought the best choice for LSU would be to hire an assistant, he'd pull that trigger. At least I think so (but I don't know jack).

I don't think Woodward would hire who he thought the 2nd best guy was simply because the best guy (in his estimation) had no HC experience.

But, he could offer that guy a variable based incentive contract...lol.

oh i agree if Woody thought a Marcus Freeman (just using your example) was a better guy than a Riley, he would pull that trigger. 

i just don’t see him doing that. 

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