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Gameday Tigers

Gymnastics: UK at LSU 1/19/24 8pmCT SECN


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Rotation 1

LSU Vault 49.525
UK Bars  49.450

KJ Johnson (9.95 SV) amazing height, stuck! 9.850 (boo hiss)
Amari Drayton (SV 10) small step  9.875
Savannah Schoenherr (10 SV) great! 9.925
Chase Brock (SV 10) under rotated bad landing (sigh) 9.50
Kiya Johnson (10 SV) 9.900
Haileigh Bryant (10 SV) stuck beautiful vault 9.975

After 1
LSU 49.525
UK 49.450


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Rotation 2

LSU Bars 49.450
UK Vault 49.400

Alexis Jeffrey short hs small step 9.80
Ashley Cowan fell dang it remounted & finished. 9.375
Kiya Johnson very pretty, DLO dismount maybe a little hop. 9.85
Konnor McClain awesome hs, small step on dismount. 9.875
Savannah Schoenner great hs, stunning dismount & stuck!!!!! 9.925
Haleigh Bryant beautiful! Stuck! 10.0!!!!!!!

After 2
LSU 98.975
UK  98.850


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Rotation 3

LSU Beam 49.425
UK Floor  49.475

Sierra Ballard - fierce! Beautiful! Stuck! 9.900
Annie Beard - beautiful! Stuck ! No major deductions that i could see. 9.875
Konnor McClain - bobble, small hop dismount. Nice debut routine. 9.800
Kiya Johnson - great & stuck! 9.900
Haleigh Bryant - gorgeous! Stuck! 9.900
Aleah Finnegan - small bal chk after BHS BLO BLO, another bal chk on FT . Stuck! 9.850

After 3
LSU 148.400
UK 148.325


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Rotation 4

LSU Floor 49.725
UK Beam 49.275

Sierra Ballard - perfect stuck 1st pass, 2nd pass perfect, bhsdp stuck! Huge! 9.875 (where were the deductions????announcers agree)
Konnor McClain - beautiful DLO!  1-1/2 punch full stuck! Beautiful routine. 2 pass routine. 9.925 !!!
KJ Johnson - stuck 1st 2 passes, 3rd pass perfect!!!! She is so powerful! 9.950 !!!!! Career high! 
Amari Drayton - stunning DLO! Stuck 2nd pass DT, great routine! 9.900

Haleigh Bryant - fhs fdf stuck perfectly, gorgeous 2pass routine. 9.950
Kiya Johnson - beautiful full in stuck. Perfect stuck 2nd acro, bhs double pike stuck! 10.0!!!!! 

LSU 198.125
UK 197.600

All Around
Haleigh Bryant  39.825!


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