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The Swamp Angel

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The Swamp Angel last won the day on October 3 2020

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  1. Ya know - They make a good argument for it to be considered the best on numerous fronts. Good find, dachsie!
  2. I'm just gonna put last week behind us. We were still extremely hungover from THE PERFECT SEASON and maybe more than a little buzzed from it still. I'm looking forward to playing Vandy (even if it IS at their home for the second year in a row). Here are some reasons off the top of my head: -We stole DiNardo from them. -DiNardo brought us WHITE JERSEYS at home again. -Vandy acted like a little sissy and wouldn't let us wear white, so we wore GOLD jerseys against them at home (would like to see gold jerseys again at least every third year). - More importantly, looking forward to hanging out with everyone again tomorrow evening on "chat"* * Now, when we are on chat during the game, my feed is slower than damned near everyone else's. So, when LSU craps the bed, let me know what just happened since I'm at least 1:30 behind the rest of y'all on the feed. But, as far as good things, no worries. I always haz a happy when I see a "T" appear in the chat thread, followed by an "I" and so on. However, what we really need to work on is getting our spelling correct. Last week, we thought we were spelling "TIGERS" with the following: O T T M G I E I Arrah R S S ! We need to work on this. THe dorks at Kentucky spell better than us. Also, please reserve the "Arrah" spot for me when we score. I will reciprocate by not trying to jump in and take the "TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post to cap it off. I just want the "Arrah." It's one of the things I loved most about the difference in the way we spoke when I left the hill-billy state of Kentucky to become a real Tiger. (Well, that and the fact the the drinking age in Louisiana was 18, but I digress.) Looking forward to hooking up with y'all during the game tomorrah! GEAUX TIGAHS!!!
  3. Carley McCord, Steve Ensminger's Daughter-in-Law Killed in Plane Crash From the Acadiana Advocate.
  4. Not to be a downer for the game, but news is coming out that Ensminger's daughter-in-law perished in a plane crash today on a small plane in Lafayette. Six were on board heading to Atlanta for the game. Prayers being offered from our home for the Ensminger family and others affected.
  5. Ordered it online through ArtFire.com. The purple one made it here first. The white one I ordered hasn't yet shipped. I have a feeling they're having to make more of the white ones than they anticipated. They each ran $39.99 and there was no shipping charge. Of course, they're made in and shipped from China, but those are the same folks who make these jerseys for Nike anyway, so it's essentially the real McCoy without all the Nike mark-up. Took about two weeks for this one to arrive after ordering.
  6. Hey, Dad. I live 35 miles north of Mercedes Benz Stadium and have several bottles of very nice single malt Scotch here. If you're out of refreshments let me know.
  7. Didn't want to start an unnecessary new thread. My wife's Christmas present came in two days late, but just in time for the Peach Bowl. I ordered a white one for myself, but it hasn't shipped yet (from China). Hopefully mine, which is supposed to be white, will be here in time for the Natty. (Photo below. I have no idea why she wanted purple. I think I need to talk to her about home whites.) On a side note, I haven't got tickets yet, but a friend of mine here in Atlanta who attended LSU at the same time I did in the late 80s, is supposed to call in a bit. We are hoping to make the game at the Mercedes Benz Stadium tomorrow, but if not, we'll find a way to get on chat and irritate the hell out of all y'all. Geaux Tigahs!
  8. Dad graduated in 1954. Back then all freshman and sophomore men were required to take ROTC. Dad wound up as Corps Commander (Cadet Colonel) in the spring semester of 54. He studied ordnance in ROTC while majoring in petroleum engineering. The ROTC guys who studied ordnance got to play with all the weapons systems, one of which was indeed a Sherman M4 tank. Dad and his buddies would take the tank out for drives once in awhile on South River Road (along the levee). They went further than usual from campus one day and came across a little shack on the east side of the road. From inside the tank it was hard to see your surroundings, so to get a better look at it they turned the turret toward the house. Dad said there were a few kids in the front yard playing at the time. Most of them scattered to the four winds while one ran into the house screaming. In just a few seconds adults and kids were bailing out of the house from the doors and windows and running like hell to get away. It took Dad and his friends a couple moments to figure out what all the commotion was about. Then they realized that it probably hadn't been a good move to turn the main gun toward the house even though they were only trying to get a view of their surroundings. There was a brief inquiry made by the Commandant of Cadets (the actual Army officer who ran the ROTC program), and by General Troy Middleton himself, when they got back to campus, but it was determined that there was no threat intended and the issue was dropped. Reportedly, General Middleton had a hard time containing his laughter when hearing about the incident. To this day, that is one of my favorite stories my dad ever told me about his time as a student at LSU. I can just see it in my mind's eye. And now you know how easily Dad brainwashed me as a small child and turned me into an LSU Tiger despite being raised in eastern Kentucky.
  9. Glad to see him going out. He has never held a professorship at a major university. How in hell he became president of LSU is beyond me. I think he'll do well back out on the left coast. In other scuttlebutt, there have been rumors that Mark Emmert, former Chancellor at LSU, may return as president of the university. This may not be a bad thing. The big picture, though, is not just to support LSU athletics, but to return LSU to the prestige that it once held as a land and sea grant university and to ensure our graduates are among the best in the free world. So far, 2019 has been a really good year for us Tigers, and it just keeps getting better. (Also, is anyone interested in joining me for a seance to bring back General Troy Middleton to run The Ole War Skule?)
  10. Ran across this little FB post this morning. . .
  11. Try this link, Herb. Whole game on you.tube: LSU at Alabamastan, 11/9/2019
  12. Late joining the party here, but here are our two pups - Our Maggie and Boudreaux guarding the purple front door.
  13. We need to allow more "Likes". I've run out of them more than once here. Just too many good posts.
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