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Cancelled sports...eligibility issues...$$$


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So, now what. 

Does this count against a player’s eligibility?
If they get this year “back” next season, does it count against scholarship limits?

Example: Beck is a Sr. His career here may have just ended. 
Can he come back as a Sr again next season?
If so, does his portion of a scholly count against the 11.7?


this is a waaaaaaay deeper than ya just missing games. 


what about the TV money?
does that still come in? If not HO.LEE.SH¡T!!

March Madness and the CWS is a HUUUUUUUUGE chunk of the NCAA income. 

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i have been thinking about the schollys and athletes this impacts their future. 

the scholly limit in every program that events cancelled needs to be altered temporarily. anyone in the programs currently needs to be given one extra year of eligibility. those athletes need to not have their schollys counted against the limit. at the very least, those that could have moved on, jrs and srs need to not have them counted against the limit. that remains until those athletes use their extra year of eligibility and are out of the program. the numbers of schollys will then slowly go back to original limits as those athletes graduate/leave the program. 

there has to be a way to fairly give these young men and women their opportunities. but of course, that assumes the ncaa will do something fair with schollys. an area they are not known for any kind of leniency or fairness in the first place.


march madness i can understand how that decision was made, whether i agree or not. the cws is three months down the road and that seems like a premature cancellation. if only a month needed to be cancelled, it could be held with a shortened season. 

this is a cluster fornicate of epic proportions.



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17 minutes ago, Just Me said:

that is a good start, but what about scholarships?

baseball is choked enough with the scholly limits. that is the other half of this that has to be addressed. 

not just scholly, but also roster size limits. 

i think that’s why the NCAA said all details would come out later. 
because there is a LOT more to it than just giving kids an extra year. 

all the peripherals that go along with it will affect the next multiple seasons before it balances itself back again. 


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fully agree on the balance. i didn't even think of roster limits, but that (in a way) goes right along with schollys. it seems that it is going to have to be rolling as players use their extra year of eligibility and move out. same with the schollys. and that is dependent on each program and how many in the different sports according to year. there is going to have to be a formula, not a set number.

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7 hours ago, Just Me said:

fully agree on the balance. i didn't even think of roster limits, but that (in a way) goes right along with schollys. it seems that it is going to have to be rolling as players use their extra year of eligibility and move out. same with the schollys. and that is dependent on each program and how many in the different sports according to year. there is going to have to be a formula, not a set number.

you have to be thinking 4-5 years from now at a minimum.

this season's true freshman class will all still be true freshmen next year under this ruling.  Including guys that were going to redshirt.
So in essence next year you will have 2 true freshmen classes at every school across the country.

Roster limits will have to be adjusted to make room for the entire extra class for the full 5 years of their eligibility. 

Yeah, some Seniors will elect not to return, and some draft eligible underclassmen will sign on to go pro.
but the rule you put into place will have to be based on figuring ALL of those guys are going to return.  
Because I would venture to bet the vast majority of them (especially from smaller schools) will come back if given the opportunity.

Then what about Scholly's?
Ordinarily, just because you had one this year, doesn't automatically mean you earned one for next year too.

There has to be some way to allow for the extra scholly's, without 100% guaranteeing them to an athlete that may not actually earn it.
But at the same time preventing schools from yanking one of the affected kids scholly to have more in the pool to spread around. 

Maybe if you yank it from a guy affected by this, you lose that scholly.

Don't know.  Gonna be a convoluted mess someone has to figure out.

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