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Gymnastics: Nat’l SemiFinal Session II 4/16/21 5pmCT ESPN2


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I will most likely utilize streaming each event/rotation/apparatus as our girlscompete.

I Despise the ‘quad screen’ they utilized for Regionals, and the ‘main’ broadcast jumps between apparatuses which is also crappy not to mention bart & kathy fauning over OK & bama 

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There are SIX judges in each event, high & low dropped, remaining 4 averaged for each gymnasts score

SemiFinals Session I

197.1875 Minnesota Fourth
49.3875 Vault
49.1250 Bars
49.2125 Beam
49.4625 Floor

197.4375  FU  Second
49.2375 Bars
49.3875 Beam
49.5875 Floor
49.2250 Vault

187.8625 Michigan First
49.4750 Beam
49.6500 Floor
49.350  Vault
49.3875 Bars

197.3625 Cal Third
49.4250 Floor
49.150 Vault
49.3500 Bars
49.4375 Beam


Michigan & FU advance to tomorrow’s Finals

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SemiFinal Session II

Rotation 1

49.2875 Bama Vault
49.4000 OK Bars
49.2500 Utah Beam
49.500 LSU Floor

9.9000 Christina Desidario hit all passes fantastic routine! What a leadoff!!!!
9.8875 Alyona Schennikova foot went oob on 2nd pass crap otherwise good routine
9.9000 Sierra Ballard hit 1st, hit 2nd, hit 3rd. Great routine.
9.9000 Sarah Edwards hit 1st pass, 2nd a bit odd landing, perfect 3rd pass, great dance, pretty leaps
9.8750 Haleigh Bryant hit 1st, hit 2nd, pretty dance, hit 3rd. I think she took element out that caused her fall at regionals. 
9.9125 Kiya Johnson hit 1st not sure if bounced or not, hit & controlled 2nd, hit & controlled 3rd. 

After 1
49.2875 Bama -0.212
49.4000 OK -0.100
49.2500 Utah -0.250
49.500 LSU


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Rotation 2

49.3125 Bama Bars
49.5250 OK Beam
49.6009 Utah Floor
49.5125 LSU Vault

9.8750Sami Durante
9.8375 Alyona Schennikova
9.8125 Elena Arenas
9.8750 Sarah Edwards
9.9500 Kiya Johnson
9.9750 Haleigh Bryant

camera angle is horrid

After 2
98.6000 Bama -0.413
98.9250 OK -0.088
98.8500 Utah 0.163
99.0125 LSU


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Rotation 3

49.3875 Bama Beam
49.6375 OK Floor
49.2375 Utah Vault
49.3750 LSU Bars

9.8500 Kiya Johnson stuck! Solid leadoff, regrip
9.8750 Chase Brock stuck! Maybe a regrip & short hs 
9.9000 Olivia Dunne stuck! Beautiful routine
9.8500 Haleigh Bryant small step on landing
9.9000 Alyona Schennikova beautiful long lines, college stick
9.2500 Sami Durante fmd she fell! Maybe hurt! Gets back on to finish. Stuck landing gonna have to drop this one. I think jay spotting her messed her up

After 3
147.9875 Bama -0.575
148.5625 OK
148.0875 Utah -0.475
148.3875 LSU -0.175


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Rotation 4

Bama Floor
49.5250 OK Vault
49.5125 Utah Bars
49.1750 LSU Beam

9.7250 Christina Desiderio solid stuck leadoff
9.9250 Haleigh Bryant (last minute subbing for Sami due to fall on bars prob effed her thumbs up) stuck landing & great routine!
9.4375 Alyona Schennikova balance issues effing up bad (as usual shes hot & cold, love/hate thing) hope we can drop this one
9.8625 Bridget Dean stuck but rushed routine
9.8875 Kiya Johnson bal chk on switch leap turn, stuck dismount
9.7750 Reagan Campbell bal chk out of bhs, stuck. 
dont think we’ll advance... =(

197.5750 Bama -0.513
198.0875 OK
197.6000 Utah -0.488
197.5625 LSU  -0.525

OK & Utah advance

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