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On 11/3/2018 at 10:30 PM, Fishhead said:

An OC...and better players in the trenches.  Only way to compete with that machine.  

4 of the 5 starting OL are the same guys.
2 of the non-starters that played last year played this year as well.

On 11/11/2018 at 10:10 AM, houtiger said:


I went back to the first post in this topic, and FH nailed it.  Folks, this is not an "either - or" situation.  Both aspects need to be improved, players and offensive coaching.

Up through the Ga. game, I did not see people complaining about E.  I think we were pretty happy.  The Fla. game was disappointing, but Fla. has a good D.  Against Miss. State we were good enough to win, but the State D was able to get after Burrow.  Our o-lines woes were apparent.  Against GumpTurds and even Arky, the offense does not look as good as we looked against Miami, Auburn and Ga.

It looks to me like we have regressed on offense after the Ga. win.  Burrow may be great on his pre-snap reads, but after the snap he seems slow going through his reads, picking the receiver and delivering the ball, hence he has a sack problem.  We know we have an o-line problem.  Our receivers are good, sometime.  Jefferson is reliable, but Anderson, Sullivan and Dillon are inconsistent, sometimes making a good catch, and sometimes muffing a makable necessary catch.  From athleticism and upside, I like JaMarr Chase the best.  I hope Terrace Marshall emerges.  At running back, we have 2 good ones, but no great ones.  Where is Chris Curry, he was supposed to help but has not helped yet.  We need big time recruiting help at RB for next year, but we'll be relying on freshmen next year, and CEH.

Should O replace E?  Probably.  If we have to beat GumpTurds to win the west, we probably need an upgrade at OC also.

The defense will lose a bunch of stars.  Gready and White will go pro, probably Rashard Lawrence.  Kristian Fulton could declare, he's a jr. and has had a very good year.  The defense could take a step back next year.


Same players (QB, 2-WR, 4-OL, 1-RB)
ridiculously different scheme.


On 11/20/2018 at 8:06 AM, Nutriaitch said:


there is nothing special about our offense. yes it looks different because we don’t employ the FB, and we have more WR on field sometimes. 

but it’s still just a straight forward offense that relies simply on you beating your man straight up.  it does nothing to give you an advantage over him if you’re not just straight up better than him already. 

we use zero misdirection. we don’t do anything to dictate the matchup. a defense can just line up how they see fit and choose who covers who. Giving them all the advantages. 

when you watch other games, you see a play where a slow LB ends up covering a WR, or a small Nickle guy covers a Huge TE.   Those plays were designed to create those mismatches. 

when you see teams dink and dunk their way downfield, watch their O-line. Lot of chips and rubs. watch their WR, TE and backs. Quick hitches, slants and flares. Play is designed to get ball out of QB hands quickly. They don’t ask their OL to actually keep a block. Just slow their guy down a half step or so.

That takes away the defense’s ability to be aggressive and they start employing more of a zone scheme dropping more into coverage which opens up the running game. 

Mix that up with differing Tempo and now you’re dictating the flow of the game. Rather than us currently allowing defense to tell us what to do. 

not dead on exact since we don't necessarily dink and dunk
but this is basically the difference in the Offense this year.


On 11/6/2018 at 7:39 AM, Nutriaitch said:


i re-watched most of the first half last night. mainly wanted to see a few plays from that half that swung the momentum.

LSU had just forced Alabama to punt on their first possession. That’s a win for us.

We quickly get a first down. We used quick slants and hitches. 3 steps and release. Things are looking great.

1st and 10, we call a screen to brossette, but it get sniffed out and joe throws it away. Not ideal, but still not terrible.

2nd and 10, we run a sweep to left side of the line. Alabama rushes 3 at the snap. TE and LT immediately engage the DE ; LG and C immediately engage the DT.  LB splits the gap untouched to blow it up in backfield.  4 guys to block 2. nobody saw or touched the free LB. Despite having the numbers advantage. No person was beat on the play. Just straight never saw him.

3 and 14. Burrow takes a 7 step drop. As he’s getting set, here comes the pressure. 4 seconds have ticked off the game clock betwee the snap and him coming out of his drop back to see the pressure.  THAT is entirely too much time for a play to develop.

we punt, GumpTurds responds with a TD.




A. we're mostly in shotgun eliminating the long drop
B. Everything post snap is quick developing to eliminate these issues.





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On 11/4/2018 at 11:52 AM, LSUDad said:

You need players, you need 4th and 5th year Sr’s. All too often players are leaving, some not even getting drafted, or drafted way too low. 

But then again, nick is doing things no one else is. Look on the sidelines, coaches and support staff. Anyone see Butch Jones? He’s getting paid by Tenn. 

Too many things you can model after what’s being done at GumpTurds. And yes he had 2 players from La on offense and three on defense that made plays, and every time one of these guys made plays, the announcers, made sure to let you know where they came from. 



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On 11/4/2018 at 4:57 PM, LSUDad said:

GumpTurds has 30 players on their roster that have taken a Red-Shirt. To add, they have 7 Red-Shirt Sr's on the roster. We have a total of 9 scholarship Sr's, one is a transfer, one is your kicker, another transfer. LSU's two deep has 5 Sr's. GumpTurds has a dozen in their 2 deep. Those are the numbers, I understand frustration, but what I'm saying is numbers. As for La. players, two on offense and three on defense, that made plays last night. But every time they made a  play, the announcers reminded everyone listening what state they were from.

We had 6 underclassmen declare for the draft last year, how good would we be if those folks had stuck around? Guice and Donte Jackson, both were drafted in the 2nd round. Arden Key in the third. Clapp went in the 7th, then Kevin Toliver and Toby Weathersby went undrafted. How good is your Ol with Clapp and Weathersby? How good is the defense with KT2? These are the guys that need to stay. Then you start to matchup.  Recruiting is one thing, re-recruiting is another.


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I'd say scheme has certainly proven to be the key to this magic. 

I also mentioned better players in the trenches.  Our OL has looked markedly improved with the same guys, scheme is the biggest difference there. 

On the defensive side, we still need better players in the trenches. Our guys are good, have improved by maturation and another year in the system. But we have no true monsters on this DL.  If we had a truly dominant DL, we're demolishing teams like UF, AU, and InbredGumps. 

We're still improving there though, and recruiting continues to improve. We're gonna ger those guys

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