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Prayers needed


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Some of you know this but many don't so I wanted to get you up to date.  Around July 2 I started having abdominal pain that persisted.  Some days were better than others.  On July 20, I left work and went to the ER because the pain was so bad.  They said I had diverticulitis, gave me some antibiotics and pain meds and sent me home.  I went back to work on July 25 but by the end f the day the pain was bad again.  Finally about 8:15pm I went back to the ER.  My CT showed that my colon was perforated and I had an abscess that they put a drain in for and I was admitted to the hospital until the 31st.  They sent me home with more antibiotics and pain meds and said I needed to heal and they we would have to do surgery to remove that part of my colon.

The pain has persisted, again some days better than others, so I did a repeat CT yesterday.  It showed 2 more abscesses so they are referring me to a specialist in Temple.  I will have to have surgery sooner rather than later.  I'm scared.  I need to get this taken care of as soon as possible.  I am so tired of being in pain.  So please pray I can get this done and well enough by Thanksgiving to travel and that it will be successful.  I think this is hereditary as my dad had a lot of problems with his colon before he died.  And I think thats what I am afraid of.  My dad was 60 when he died.  I am 56.  Is my time running out?  Anyway, please pray.  Thanks.

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  • 3 months later...

Tomorrow I am having surgery to cut out part of my colon and resect it.  Please pray for me that it all goes well and that I dont have to have an ostomy bag.  I am pretty nervous about it.  The prep today has been pretty painful.  Hopefully I will be out of pain once everything heals.  Hopefully someone can update you all tomorrow from Facebook.  Thanks all!


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1 hour ago, dachsie said:

Tomorrow I am having surgery to cut out part of my colon and resect it.  Please pray for me that it all goes well and that I dont have to have an ostomy bag.  I am pretty nervous about it.  The prep today has been pretty painful.  Hopefully I will be out of pain once everything heals.  Hopefully someone can update you all tomorrow from Facebook.  Thanks all!


Praying all goes well for you Dachsie 🙏

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Apparently I was in pretty bad shape. There were 5 areas in my colon that she removed. She though I would have to have a bag but she was able to fix me up. Doing ok but have some pain mainly when I get up and down. May go home tomorrow they said. We will see.

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Getting around better each day but today I had a doc appt and then went to HEB for groceries since I had a ride and was really pooped afterwards.  I crashed in my recliner.  lol  It still hurts to cough.  May try to sleep in my bed tonite if I can get the dogs to let me sleep.

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