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LSU vs Ole goldenshower


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We beat an SEC rival by 3 touchdowns.

There were some sloppy play and missed tackles that will be taken care of.

This was NOT Wake Forest or Rutgers we played, which were the teams two of the other top 4 teams played. Would Clemson and Ohios State have fared better against Ole Miss?

Rich Roundriguez is a bona fide HC stinting as an OC...he'll probably have another HC gig next year. It might even be in the SEC.

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Angry players storm out of Sunday meeting with AD Keith Carter

ByDAVID JOHNSON 98 minutes ago 

9548077.jpg?fit=bounds&crop=620:320,offset-y0.50&width=620&height=320Matt Luke (Photo: John Bowen, 247Sports)

The Ole Piss football team looked more like an angry mob as it exited the Manning Center and a meeting with athletics director Keith Carter on Sunday night.

Carter summoned the team to address them after it was announced head coach Matt Luke had been fired. Luke was not present.

Players began storming out shortly after Carter began speaking. One estimate counted the number at approximately 40. It was unclear how many players were actually on campus to attend the meeting.


"(Expletive) Ole Piss," said junior defensive lineman Tariquious Tisdale. "That's my statement."

Sophomore defensive back Keidron Smith simply brushed by the media saying, "Y'all don't want to hear what I would say right now." Senior offensive lineman Michael Howard echoed the same sentiments. "I wouldn't do it," Howard said as a reporter approached him.

The third player out of the building, who left while Carter had just started addressing the team, was true freshman running back Jerrion Ealy, who declined to comment but was visibly upset.

Inside, according to reports from players, a scene played out in an open discussion setting. Several players described the scene as "ugly and unruly." Players told Carter, "this recruiting class is going to go to (expletive)."

Outside, players stormed through the doors leaving Carter speaking inside the team room to less than a full audience.

"It's shocking," said true freshman defensive tackle Patrick Lucas. "There was a lot of stuff going around about him getting fired, but I didn't ever believe it would happen. I don't think he should have gotten fired. It takes more than two years to build up what you inherited. That was full of crap. I came here and I bought into what he was trying to do.

"Keith Carter...whatever he was saying in there, that wasn't what I wanted to hear. I left early. I couldn't take it no more...Yeah, we went 4-8, but we as a team felt next year was going to be our year."

Lucas was asked if he would consider transferring.

"I don't know what my options are. To the fans, they really don't care about us, honestly. They really don't care about us. If we win, they care. If we lose, they hate us and bash us," Lucas continued.

True freshman quarterback John Rhys Plumlee was en route back to Oxford from his hometown when the news broke. Plumlee pulled into the parking lot of the Manning Center after most of his teammates had exited the building. He told the media that he was going inside to have a meeting with Carter and offensive graduate assistant Ryan Garrett.

"I can't give any comments right now. I don't really know yet," Plumlee said as he exited his vehicle.

"I'm just going to go in there and try to figure it out for myself...and maybe ask some questions and stuff."

Plumlee said he had no contact with the Ole Piss coaching staff on Sunday, other than Garrett.

Junior center Eli Johnson was one of the calmer voices to emerge from the Manning Center. Johnson was stopped by the media awaiting outside.

"We just kind of had an open discussion with our athletic director, Keith Carter. He just had a big conversation. That was pretty much it...just everybody voicing their opinions on things. He gave an opening statement," Johnson related.

"Everybody just loves Coach Luke and how much he gave this university and how much he cared for us. It's a hard day for Ole Piss football. I think everybody would have still liked to see Coach Luke get some more time."

Luke is expected to address the team for a final time on Monday.

"I'm going to give him a hug and just tell him thank you for everything," said Johnson. "I'm not sure what he'll say or how he'll handle it. I do think he should have got some more time."

Johnson was asked to describe the scene inside the team room.

"Everybody is kind of upset that Coach Luke is not going to be here with us anymore, and that's understandable. I'm upset. I would have liked to finish my career with Coach Luke, but that's life and life happens. I'm just going to do my best to help this team win football games next year going forward. I guess we just have to move forward from here," said Johnson.

"That's what concerns me, though. I've been an Ole Piss football fan my entire life. A guy like me...I'm going to be all in on this program moving forward just because it's Ole Piss football and regardless of who the coach is. I hate it's not going to be Coach Luke, but that's not the case with a lot of guys. A lot of guys came to school here because of Coach Luke and that don't have any ties to Ole Piss football. That's what scares me...is how are those guys going to respond?"

Senior defensive back Myles Hartsfield was angered at the delivery method Ole Piss used to inform the players of the decision to fire Luke.


"To find out on Twitter, come on son," Hartsfield said.

Senior linebacker Willie Hibbler was one of the first players to walk out the door.

"Keith Carter is still talking. The meeting is still going on, but we walked out. Basically one of your top players on offense (Jerrion Ealy) walked out. That tells you a lot. I think they made the move off wins and losses. They didn't make the move off what the players feel. We're the ones out there practicing and in meetings with him every day," said Hibbler.

"You've got a big recruiting weekend coming up this weekend. I know none of the players want to come in when they don't know who their leader is or who's going to be in charge of the meetings."

Reserve offensive lineman Peyton Cox said, "Not a single person wanted him to be fired. Everybody loved him and wanted him to continue."

Junior offensive lineman Chandler Tuitt said the players felt lost and disappointed.

"Y'all have made a decision without even telling us, first of all," Tuitt said. "We're just all lost. Half the team is talking about leaving. If you clean house again, I don't think anyone is going to stay..."

As far as the assistants on the staff, "they say they don't know," said Tuitt.

"I've been here four years and this is going to be our third coach come in. You think it's going to be bad now. If this new coach ain't about family, then you're going to lose a lot of players. That's just point blank. You better realize, there's no program without no players. You're basing this stuff off the fans, but we don't care about the fans that much. I'm going to be honest with you. We're all here for the coach. We love football. If you don't want to support us, that's just your fault.

"We were just disappointed. We didn't want to hear it (from Carter). We just didn't want to hear it."

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