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Who Were Your 3 Most Memorable LSU QBs?

The Swamp Angel

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Hodson was our QB when I started at LSU in 1986, but there are a few others from the 70's and 80's who I recall with great fondness.

For me, the first is David Woodley (#8). I remember his last game at LSU in the Tangerine Bowl against Wake Forest. I followed his career closely in the NFL when he played for the Dolphins and was an integral part of getting them to the Superbowl. 

Next, Alan Risher (#7). The LSU offensive line was unreal back in those days and gave him pretty much all the time he could possibly want to let a play develop and find his receivers. I followed him as well when he went to the USFL and played for the Arizona Wranglers.

My third spot is held by Jeff Wickersham (#5). I missed Alan Risher when he graduated, but Wickersham was a great QB for us and I remember watching many a game with him at the helm. This is the time that I was really coming into my own as an LSU Tiger fan.

Another that I loved was Bert Jones. He was our QB when Dad first got me started following LSU football at the ripe old age of four years old. Any time Jones comes to mind as our QB the 1972 Ole Missus game comes to mind. That game wasn't shown on our TV when I was little, but Dad had turned on the radio and found that we could pick up WWL 870 AM all the way up in Kentucky. I sat in his lap holding a stuffed Tiger that night and listened to the game with him. Of course, I got dumped from his lap and into the floor when LSU scored on the last play of the game. I can still remember how my butt made a "thud" on the floor and Mom came running from the kitchen to see what in the name of goodness was going on in the living room.

So, y'all. We're all friends here. Don't be bashful. Who were your favorite three LSU QBs?

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I’ll never forget Jamie Howard. 

and while my most vivid memory of him is not a pleasant one at all, i gotta tip my hat to him. 

he came back in ‘95 when he could have taken the baseball money and disappeared. played his heart out. was injured before season ended, but on Senior day he got one of the loudest ovations i can ever remember someone getting like that. 


Rohan. the absolute warrior. he had “it”. entire team just played better when he was on the field. 


picking a 3rd ain’t easy. 

Hodson was the first one i remember as a kid. 

Herb was fun as hell to watch. 

Mauck brought us a title. 

so did Flynn. 


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It's an interesting question and narrowing it down to 3 is a huge limitation.

It's hard not to fill 2 of those spots with the guys that were starting QBs when LSU won 2 of its 3 national championshiops (the ones won in my "era").  So, I'll have to go with:

Matt Mauck
Matt Flynn
David Woodley

Mauck and Flynn got it done for us. They brought us to THE pinnacle of college football.

Woodley was the hard choice for me, but he was half of the 2 QB system (With our OC Steve Ensminger being the other half) when I was in high school and was 1st starting to have cognizance of the game above the childhood state of being a fan because all my family and friends were LSU and Saints fans.  Woodley and Ensminger were the 1st LSU QBs that I got excited about because I understood  the significance of plays they made as the plays were being made in real time in games.

The opinion at the time was that Ensminger had the better arm and Woodley had the better legs, but Woodley's arm wasn't shabby by any means.

Woodley was also the only QB of note from LSU after Bert Jones that had a successful career as a starter. By no means was he a great NFL QB and unfortunately history regards him as being the placeholder for Dan Marino after Bob Griese, but he did take his team to a Super Bowl. Despite the fact that he was an 8th round selection and was 4th on the ddepth chart when training camp started, Woodley became the starting QB and set a team record for completions for a rookie QB that was only broken recently by Ryan Tannehill...oh, he was also voted team MVP of the Dolphins by his teammates as a rookie.

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Narrowing it down to 3 is tough. I'd say Doc Fenton but I have no "memory" of him playing.  My first memory of an LSU QU is the "Ruston Rifle", the original #7 Bert Jones.  Then I'd go with Wickersham/Hodson because they played when I was in school.  After that it would be Rohan.  What a gamer. I'll never forget the 2001 Sugar Bowl, Rohan to Reed!

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28 minutes ago, Hatchertiger said:

Narrowing it down to 3 is tough. I'd say Doc Fenton but I have no "memory" of him playing.  My first memory of an LSU QU is the "Ruston Rifle", the original #7 Bert Jones.  Then I'd go with Wickersham/Hodson because they played when I was in school.  After that it would be Rohan.  What a gamer. I'll never forget the 2001 Sugar Bowl, Rohan to Reed!

Man...Rohan Davey might be the "most forgotten" LSU QB ever. I almost put Davey as my #3 but I had a hard time separating him. 

Davey was the 1st 3,000+ yard passer in LSU history.  I'd be willing to bet if you posed that as a trivia question, most people would answer "Tommy Hodson" or "JaMArcus Russell". 

I'm surprised Hodson and Russel have not made anyone's list yet.  Hodson is easy based on stats alone and I'm guessing that JaMarcus' failure in the NFL is erasing people's memory of the QB he was for LSU.

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I'll go. 

Hodson. Was there when i was, earthquake deliverer. Does anyone remember the pass was dropped right before the earthquake pass was caught?

Rohan. Easily the most enjoyable. 

I'll have to go with JRock. That game against Tennessee, and then whipping Brady Quinn's ass in the sugar...sweet 

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