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LSU @ Inbred Redneck Assholes


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I will miss the game, but will record it and watch tonight.  Our grandkids are coming for a Halloween party in our back yard.  Our 16 year old is not coming, she will hang with her friends.  Then we have a 4, 3, 2, and 1 year old.  They are very cute, they see each other about once a month so they recognize each other and give each other hugs when they arrive.

Edited by houtiger
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4 hours ago, dachsie said:

Sounds fun Houtiger, but dont bother watching the game.  We sucked.

I watched, and we did suck.  The run game did not work, and we had to ask TJ to try and win the game.  He played like a freshman, with a big arm.  A more experienced QB would see the blitz coming and know he had to get rid of the ball quickly to an outlet receiver, one second and the ball has to be gone.  Freshman didn't see it coming.

Defense sucks.  They ran on us, and threw on us.

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20 hours ago, houtiger said:

I watched, and we did suck.  The run game did not work, and we had to ask TJ to try and win the game.  He played like a freshman, with a big arm.  A more experienced QB would see the blitz coming and know he had to get rid of the ball quickly to an outlet receiver, one second and the ball has to be gone.  Freshman didn't see it coming.

Defense sucks.  They ran on us, and threw on us.


this was our worst loss since ‘96 and worst in history of Auburn series (kinda racking up on those series worst losses last couple years), our problems are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay deeper than TJ making a couple freshman mistakes. 

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I'm at a loss over this season.

But I have to give the entire team and staff a pass given the Covid-19 world we find ourselves in today.

I have to look at this as a scrimmage year and whoever wins the Championship will have an asterisk hanging over that accomplishment for eternity.

I'd hate to think that Coach O's success last year was due simply to Burrow, Aranda, and Brady and that we might be looking at a parallel with Auburn booting Chiszick 2 seasons after Newton won the Heisman at Auburn. Unfortunately, though, we might be in that parallel universe if things don't have a dramatic turnaround next year.

Maybe O's wife got the playbook in the divorce???  I don't know...I got nothing to explain what we are seeing.

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14 minutes ago, Herb said:

But I have to give the entire team and staff a pass given the Covid-19 world we find ourselves in today.


if we were the only team in the country with this issue, then maybe you would have an argument. 

but literally everyone is dealing with this issue. many schools having much bigger Covid problems than LSU is. and those schools aren’t imploding right in front of the public eye. 

hell Florida had so many cases they had to suspend operations entirely for a week. 
but they came back and played very well afterwards. 

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1 hour ago, Nutriaitch said:


if we were the only team in the country with this issue, then maybe you would have an argument. 

but literally everyone is dealing with this issue. many schools having much bigger Covid problems than LSU is. and those schools aren’t imploding right in front of the public eye. 

hell Florida had so many cases they had to suspend operations entirely for a week. 
but they came back and played very well afterwards. 

I don't disagree. But...we also had "everyone on the team had Covid" (or something to that effect).

What hits me the hardest is how crappy our D is right now under Pelini. This is not just due to a new system coupled with a turnover in starters.

Where is our pride?

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Good discussion men!  This really is the topic.  I don't give this team any sort of pass at all, none, nada.  As Nootch says, every team is dealing with the same issues.  Granted, we lost a TON of NFL caliber players, more than anyone else lost (guess on my part, but I'm probably right).  BUT, O has recruited well for at least the previous two years.  We haven't signed many 3* recruits, a few 5* and mostly 4*, that is good enough to put a respectable team on the field.  Emery and Davis Price are good, Deculus returned with Ingram and Hines 57, I can't evaluate Shanahan at center.  But the o-line looks poor, we can't open a hole for the RB.  Our tight end is good, so is Marshall, Jenkins, Boutte, we've got receivers.  Brennan played well after the first game.  The d-line, we're getting gashed, the LB aren't doing well, nor the safeties, Ricks is inconsistent (OK he's a freshman).

Based on the Aranda defense over several years, you can't say an attacking defense is necessarily better than a cagey read react one.  Pelini is looking mighty poor right now.  His assistants were here last year and they worked well.  Corey Raymond and Busch coach the secondary, like last year.  Stingley didn't look sharp at first but he's back to his old self.  Pelini is coaching the LB.

At the beginning of the year, I didn't think it was a write-off year, because of the talent I saw come in hear in the previous 2 recruiting classes.  Clearly now, this is a write off year.  What we have to do is figure out what the problem is, and make sure next year we are competitive.  O is going to be here, he gets a pass after being coach of the year and winning the natty.  But, there are no fans in the stands (well not many), so the athletic dept has money problems, some layoffs and many salary cuts, no bonuses, all as it should be.  For that reason, Pelini is probably safe come December.  Can Bo turn it around next year?  I don't know.

Coach Cregg produced a Joe Moore award winning o-line last year, I think he knows how to coach.  I don't know what's going on there.  Emery and Davis Price seem to have the talent to go, so it has to be the o-line, or maybe Kevin Faulk is not coaching them on where the hole is and how to hit it?  Faulk is a change.

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1 hour ago, Herb said:

I don't disagree. But...we also had "everyone on the team had Covid" (or something to that effect).

Mizzou had seven starters out with Covid IN THAT GAME. 

not 3 months ago. 

the week we played them. 

didn’t seem to slow them down. 

1 hour ago, Herb said:

What hits me the hardest is how crappy our D is right now under Pelini. This is not just due to a new system coupled with a turnover in starters.

Where is our pride?

we have no pride. 

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1 hour ago, houtiger said:

Good discussion men!  This really is the topic.  I don't give this team any sort of pass at all, none, nada.  As Nootch says, every team is dealing with the same issues.  Granted, we lost a TON of NFL caliber players, more than anyone else lost (guess on my part, but I'm probably right).  BUT, O has recruited well for at least the previous two years.  We haven't signed many 3* recruits, a few 5* and mostly 4*, that is good enough to put a respectable team on the field.  Emery and Davis Price are good, Deculus returned with Ingram and Hines 57, I can't evaluate Shanahan at center.  But the o-line looks poor, we can't open a hole for the RB.  Our tight end is good, so is Marshall, Jenkins, Boutte, we've got receivers.  Brennan played well after the first game.  The d-line, we're getting gashed, the LB aren't doing well, nor the safeties, Ricks is inconsistent (OK he's a freshman).

it’s not a talent issue. 
we have better personnel than every team we’ve played so far. 

you can argue that Auburn is in the ballpark with us talent wise. 
But there is not a snowball’s chance in hell they’re FIVE TOUCHDOWNS more talented. 


not even debatable 

1 hour ago, houtiger said:

Based on the Aranda defense over several years, you can't say an attacking defense is necessarily better than a cagey read react one.  Pelini is looking mighty poor right now.  His assistants were here last year and they worked well.  Corey Raymond and Busch coach the secondary, like last year.  Stingley didn't look sharp at first but he's back to his old self.  Pelini is coaching the LB.

the style in and of itself is not really an issue. 

Kevin Steel runs a 4-3 attack style at Auburn. 

They’ve been very good under him and even did best job of shutting us down last year. 

1 hour ago, houtiger said:

At the beginning of the year, I didn't think it was a write-off year, because of the talent I saw come in hear in the previous 2 recruiting classes.  Clearly now, this is a write off year.  What we have to do is figure out what the problem is, and make sure next year we are competitive.  O is going to be here, he gets a pass after being coach of the year and winning the natty.  But, there are no fans in the stands (well not many), so the athletic dept has money problems, some layoffs and many salary cuts, no bonuses, all as it should be.  For that reason, Pelini is probably safe come December.  Can Bo turn it around next year?  I don't know.

it’s not a write off year and i hate that we’ve come to this. 

Don’t bet too much money on O being here beyond ‘21 or ‘22. 

this is the WORST team we’ve had in over 20 years. And it’s not even close. 

That will not be tolerated. 
turn in a stinker next year and watch how quick the buyout money shows up. 

we fired a guy because 3 losses were unacceptable. 

5 losses???

1 hour ago, houtiger said:

Coach Cregg produced a Joe Moore award winning o-line last year, I think he knows how to coach.  I don't know what's going on there.  Emery and Davis Price seem to have the talent to go, so it has to be the o-line, or maybe Kevin Faulk is not coaching them on where the hole is and how to hit it?  Faulk is a change.

go rewatch last year. the award went to the wrong dudes. 

Burrow’s 3 biggest “Heisman Moments” were all him a ping pressure in backfield and making a play under serious pressure. 

 Clyde made himself a shyte-ton of money with his spin move in the backfield to avoid first contact. 

the line was terrible in ‘18 (lot of injuries though). and it’s terrible now. 

2 outta 3. 

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Back in the day you would bench a few starters who aren't  showing some pride but in this day and age they'd be likely to hit the transfer portal rather than man up and play football.  You could feel it for the Mississippi State game "something" is missing from this team. Fire and leadership and experience. The 14 guys (tied a record) that left for the NFL took that with them apparently. Not saying coaches shouldn't shoulder the blame simply that at some point the players have to play. My you football coach gave all of us a wooden cube. On each side was written the words "block and tackle" b/c you can't win a game without either one.  LSU didn't do either very well against Auburn.

I'm confounded by our defense. We have had to "dumb down" Pelini's defense with very little apparent results. He was first brought in in 2005 and produced the #3 defense in the country ( http://web1.ncaa.org/d1mfb/natlRank.jsp?year=2005&div=4&rpt=IA_teamtotdef&site=org ) that year and did so for the next two years. He faced the spread at Youngstown so that is nothing new to him. Thus his defense can't be that complex for players to pick up and has been reported as not nearly as complicated as Aranda's was. Corey Raymond has been here for years and we have a coach dedicated to the safeties yet we have WRs running wide ass open, not beating their man, taking advantage of busted coverage. We fans tend to blame the DB who is in chase but depending on he call we really don't know who screwed up.

Its not necessarily that we are losing its they way we are losing. LSU is beating itself by allowing teams with less talent to take advantage .... of.  Of what? Well the devil is in the details.  I read a little and watch the games on television and if we win I usually watch at least one replay. I'd have to be able to be at practice, know the calls during the game (even in high school I could line up in the same spot at FS against the same offensive alignment and have  5 different assignments depending on the call) and then watch the film after the game to be able to credibly diagnose the problem.  But I know enough to now that this team has problems.  Something has to change and it simply may not this year.

At the end of day Orgeron is smart enough to know the buck stops with him and it really doesn't matter where the actual blame lies.  All HCs get too much credit and too much blame. If the wheels fall off no matter how much he loves LSU and even though he is a favored son from Louisiana, he will be gone.

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After that first loss I said we would be lucky to go 2-8.  Now I am afraid it will be a reality.  I don't think they have any team leaders.  If so they would be having a players meeting and try to figure out where their pride is.  And I totally think the #18 needs to go back to the former players rather than O picking it.

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23 minutes ago, Nutriaitch said:


sorry, but you’ll never convince me of this. 

I've never met him and therefore don't know him.  He may be dumb as a post or sly as a fox. I will give him credit for putting together a staff and team that had the greatest season in the history of college football.

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8 minutes ago, Hatchertiger said:

I've never met him and therefore don't know him.  He may be dumb as a post or sly as a fox. I will give him credit for putting together a staff and team that had the greatest season in the history of college football.

i don’t know him personally. But i do know multiple members of his family. and let’s just say there aren’t any mensa members  

and if you look at his hiring history, Brady is the only homerun.  no one else is better than a seeing eye single.  most are foul balls off his own crotch. 

2019 was an accident. the luckiest most beautiful accident in the history of the world. 

we now look like 2005-2007 Ole Piss. 
we look like 2017 LSU before our then AD literally had a meeting with the staff telling Ed to not coach anymore. 

the brains of the operation left the building and it shows. big time.  


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