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6 minutes ago, paducahmichael said:

That's just sad, isn't it? I'm too simple to get into stats and nuances and such - but I'm smart enough to know we won the game and that's what matters to me.


so winning around 10 games a year with an abortion of an offense is acceptable?


then why did we pay a guy $12mil plus to take a hike?


because the argument was always Miles’ horrendous offense. wasn’t his record that got him fired. it was the abomination he called his offense. 


well this offense is statistically worse than anything Les produced since 2009. 


and save me the “Miles used to lose to Arkansas” crap too. 

Arky was at least a bowl eligible team those last 2 Les years. this is an 8 LOSS arkansas team. 


Les deservedly got fired. 

But he got fired for better production than we are currently seeing.

and there is no sugar coating that. 

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On 11/3/2018 at 10:30 PM, Fishhead said:

An OC...and better players in the trenches.  Only way to compete with that machine.  

Love Steve, but he's had two full games to put up 1 single point against GumpTurds and he can't do it.  He can't score against UF either, nor MSU.  Any truly good defense we've faced with him at OC, we've failed to score.  And don't tell me about the 19 we scored against MSU last time out.  7 came off a pick brought back inside the 5 and it still wasn't easy.  

I'm good with O...he has shown he isn't Ole goldenshower O.  But he needs to have the balls to move Steve to TE coach and get someone in here like he promised.  He said we're gonna get the "best coordinators".  We don't have that on one side of the ball. 


On 11/3/2018 at 10:49 PM, Herb said:

It's deeper than that.

We were overpowered in every phase of the game.  Our defense was only able to slow Alabama down.

And you're right...they are a machine.

I went back to the first post in this topic, and FH nailed it.  Folks, this is not an "either - or" situation.  Both aspects need to be improved, players and offensive coaching.

Up through the Ga. game, I did not see people complaining about E.  I think we were pretty happy.  The Fla. game was disappointing, but Fla. has a good D.  Against Miss. State we were good enough to win, but the State D was able to get after Burrow.  Our o-lines woes were apparent.  Against GumpTurds and even Arky, the offense does not look as good as we looked against Miami, Auburn and Ga.

It looks to me like we have regressed on offense after the Ga. win.  Burrow may be great on his pre-snap reads, but after the snap he seems slow going through his reads, picking the receiver and delivering the ball, hence he has a sack problem.  We know we have an o-line problem.  Our receivers are good, sometime.  Jefferson is reliable, but Anderson, Sullivan and Dillon are inconsistent, sometimes making a good catch, and sometimes muffing a makable necessary catch.  From athleticism and upside, I like JaMarr Chase the best.  I hope Terrace Marshall emerges.  At running back, we have 2 good ones, but no great ones.  Where is Chris Curry, he was supposed to help but has not helped yet.  We need big time recruiting help at RB for next year, but we'll be relying on freshmen next year, and CEH.

Should O replace E?  Probably.  If we have to beat GumpTurds to win the west, we probably need an upgrade at OC also.

The defense will lose a bunch of stars.  Gready and White will go pro, probably Rashard Lawrence.  Kristian Fulton could declare, he's a jr. and has had a very good year.  The defense could take a step back next year.

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52 minutes ago, houtiger said:

Up through the Ga. game, I did not see people complaining about E. 



It looks to me like we have regressed on offense after the Ga. win.  


people complained a lot pre-UGA. 

not a single person liked the way we looked against Souteastern or La Tech. 

after Miami, lots of people notes that we didn’t move the ball well and scored on short fields. 

nobody called the Auburn game an offensive masterpiece. 

weve only hit 400yds in a game (which is what the SEVENTYth best offense AVERAGES) 3 times. 

La Tech, Ole Piss, UGA.


Georgia game is the anomaly. 

do we need better athletes to win a NC? yes, probably so.


are we so hopelessly lacking of athletes to be ranked in the BOTTOM 25 in the country right now?  no, not even close.


THAT is the issue and complaint  


we are grossly underachieving offensively. our elite defense is keeping games low scoring enough for us to be 8-2 right now. 


which is literally the EXACT same reason the previous staff was fired.  and why they SHOULD HAVE been fired. 

because this is simply not acceptable. 

it wasn’t for them, and it isn’t for this crew either. 

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3 hours ago, houtiger said:



The defense will lose a bunch of stars.  Gready and White will go pro, probably Rashard Lawrence.  Kristian Fulton could declare, he's a jr. and has had a very good year.  The defense could take a step back next year.

Greedy and White are near locks to go. Fulton has shown to be solid, but hasn't been THE man.  Rashard better come back or he'll likely be 5th-7th round at best. He's underwhelmed with zero edge rusher to draw attention. 

Regarding next season's D, DBU is DBU. Vincent Jr. is better than Battle, and the reserves like Joseph and others are ridiculously talented. If Fulton comes back, zero drop off imo.

Divinity and Phillips with Queen and Baskerville having gained valuable experience...not concerned. Divinity has been quietly awesome. Phillips is nearly D White at this same point in his career. 

Chaisson......hurry up, son

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pretty much agree with fish

Greedy and White need to go. Sucks for LSU, but you don’t pass up that money if it’s there. 

Fulton is draftable now. but will have less than one full year of game experience, so really needs to come back and can significantly improve his stock. 


nobody else is in the discussion and is making a mistake if they leave. 

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On 11/11/2018 at 10:10 AM, houtiger said:




The Citadel put up as many points in ONE HALF as we have in the last 3 games combined. 

im aware that Alabama is not putting out the effort against them that they do against us.  

but is there a single kid on The Citadel’s entire roster that could crack the 4 deep at Alabama?

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On 11/17/2018 at 2:00 PM, Nutriaitch said:


The Citadel put up as many points in ONE HALF as we have in the last 3 games combined. 

im aware that Alabama is not putting out the effort against them that they do against us.  

but is there a single kid on The Citadel’s entire roster that could crack the 4 deep at Alabama?

Come on.... are we now to run the option?  You know it’s ridiculous. 

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1 hour ago, watson said:

Come on.... are we now to run the option?  You know it’s ridiculous. 

not AT ALL where i was going with this. 

point was that everyone wants to say LSU lacks talent. and our O-Line is so hopelessly outmatched that it is literally impossible to even hope to move the ball against Alabama. 


the fact that everyone else on their schedule has done it, proves that thought process absolutely false.  Yes i’m giving State credit for the TD that was stolen from them.  Multiple different teams using multiple different game plans have been able to do it.

you know what game plan they didn’t use? PA pass with a 36 step drop and only 2 WR in the formation.

unless you want to argue that LSU is by far the least talented team Alabama has ever faced (including FCS Citadel), then its NOT THE TALENT GAP.

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18 hours ago, watson said:

Come on.... are we now to run the option?  You know it’s ridiculous. 

Where did this come from?

This is a scheme issue. Not a talent issue. To argue otherwise is what's ridiculous to me. 

No, we aren't gonna run the triple option. But the fact it gives the gumps fits is even more proof scheme is important. Our current scheme gives us pretty good numbers when the other team is completely overmatched by our... TALENT.  But our scheme is a joke against good defenses. This has been proven for years now. 

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4 hours ago, Fishhead said:

  But our scheme is a joke against good defenses. This has been proven for years now. 


there is nothing special about our offense. yes it looks different because we don’t employ the FB, and we have more WR on field sometimes. 

but it’s still just a straight forward offense that relies simply on you beating your man straight up.  it does nothing to give you an advantage over him if you’re not just straight up better than him already. 

we use zero misdirection. we don’t do anything to dictate the matchup. a defense can just line up how they see fit and choose who covers who. Giving them all the advantages. 

when you watch other games, you see a play where a slow LB ends up covering a WR, or a small Nickle guy covers a Huge TE.   Those plays were designed to create those mismatches. 

when you see teams dink and dunk their way downfield, watch their O-line. Lot of chips and rubs. watch their WR, TE and backs. Quick hitches, slants and flares. Play is designed to get ball out of QB hands quickly. They don’t ask their OL to actually keep a block. Just slow their guy down a half step or so.

That takes away the defense’s ability to be aggressive and they start employing more of a zone scheme dropping more into coverage which opens up the running game. 

Mix that up with differing Tempo and now you’re dictating the flow of the game. Rather than us currently allowing defense to tell us what to do. 

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9 minutes ago, LSUDad said:

Who would you like now? Fedora, Kingsbury or Kendal Briles, or someone else? 

as OC?

I like Briles, but last i checked, he still has a pending lawsuit with his name specifically attached, so he probably a no go. 

Id be Ok with Fedora as OC

Darrin Chiaverni for Coloradonwould work too  

not a fan of full on air raid like Kingsbury runs. 

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20 minutes ago, Nutriaitch said:

as OC?

I like Briles, but last i checked, he still has a pending lawsuit with his name specifically attached, so he probably a no go. 

Id be Ok with Fedora as OC

Darrin Chiaverni for Coloradonwould work too  

not a fan of full on air raid like Kingsbury runs. 

Kings would have too many coeds transfer to LSU. 

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43 minutes ago, Nutriaitch said:

for HC?

too late for that now. 

the guys i mentioned as being on my short list are 3-0 in head to head against the guy we hired. 

Thanks to F’ing Alexander. You can’t say you need money for your university if you pay good money for coaches. 

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1 hour ago, Nutriaitch said:



PHUCK YOU joe alleva. 


This would be insane.  No one is going to come after him to steal him away, nor would he go anywhere except maybe USC.  Also, he promised us an improved offense and we haven't seen that

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