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The After Fight


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1 hour ago, Hatchertiger said:

This told me everything I need to know about the entire situation:

"Dameyune Craig started the whole thing," Kragthorpe said. "Just trash talking and yelling and screaming a bunch of crap."

It’s on film, along with other things. aTm will have egg on their face, a once proud program, has taken a major step backwards. 

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I haven't read the article yet. But from what bit I have read in other articles, the little snot who hit Krags was Jimbo's nephew. That he went running to Jimbo to "tell him" tells me a lot. Sounds like a preemptive strike to cover his ass before more was said.

F'uck atm. If Faulk hit the little snot for attacking Krags, the snotty POS should have been pummeled into the ground. The first pic in this tweet tells it all. Look at Faulk's face and demeanor, and look at the wild eyed snot.

F'uck Fisher, too. 




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from the article Dad posted:

"Texas A&M athletic department officials have not confirmed the man's identity amid reports Sunday that the person who hit Kragthorpe was Cole Fisher, a nephew of Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher, who said after the game he knew nothing of the incident.

"I don't know who Cole Fisher is," Texas A&M associate director for football communications Brad Marquardt said Sunday."


Yet, from the Advocate:

Multiple athletic officials have confirmed that LSU analyst Steve Kragthorpe, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, was punched on the field by the nephew of Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher, Cole Fisher, who is an undergraduate football student manager at Texas A&M.



So someone be lyin'.


Also, I cannot find article that mentioned snotty POS ran to Jimbo in ATM tunnel after. Still looking.

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59 minutes ago, Nutriaitch said:

by this, are you implying LSU may be at least somewhat involved in instigating?

That isn't how I am reading it.

Bad in that it was a fight in which Krags was attacked, but ALSO that Krags is mentioning that he was not feeling as good as before the hit and feels it may have knocked pacemaker loose. Also, the fact that (this part, IMO) that it appears that the snot nosed kitty attacking a man was related to the ATM head coach. That will not look good. Especially if the ATM program is already trying to cover for him. Then there is the part about Craig going cocoa puffs coocoo on the LSU staff...

So that is how I am reading "not good in too many ways".  I don't think Faulk instigated, but I think it is obvious, that the way the SEC has been douchy this year, that Faulk could be facing reprimand for his part. Which, also IMO, will be didley-poo!

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32 minutes ago, La Tigresse said:

from the article Dad posted:

"Texas A&M athletic department officials have not confirmed the man's identity amid reports Sunday that the person who hit Kragthorpe was Cole Fisher, a nephew of Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher, who said after the game he knew nothing of the incident.

"I don't know who Cole Fisher is," Texas A&M associate director for football communications Brad Marquardt said Sunday."


Yet, from the Advocate:

Multiple athletic officials have confirmed that LSU analyst Steve Kragthorpe, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, was punched on the field by the nephew of Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher, Cole Fisher, who is an undergraduate football student manager at Texas A&M.



So someone be lyin'.


Also, I cannot find article that mentioned snotty POS ran to Jimbo in ATM tunnel after. Still looking.

I've seen video of him running to jimbo

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8 minutes ago, Fishhead said:

I've seen video of him running to jimbo

I saw an article, and now I can't find it.  So yes, there are things out there that point to that.  So for Jimbo to say he knew nothing of it, at what appears to be AFTER being told by crybaby snot, is another thing to add to the list of how it doesn't look good.

However, there is new info, that I am afraid could get an LSU player (Battle) benched by the SEC. Between officiating, and their douchiness, this year, I honestly don't trust the front office.

Do I think baby Fisher was the instigator of the physical contact and that Faulk and Battle were protecting Krags? Absolutely. But do I trust the front office? No way in hell. 

So f'uck you Fisher (both of you) and f'uck you, ATM. 

The videos, posted by the Houston Chronicle, show Fisher and Faulk with hands on each other while Fisher threw two punches at Faulk’s face. Then, Battle threw a right punch, connecting with Fisher’s face.

Fisher, the nephew of Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher, has been accused of punching LSU analyst Steve Kragthorpe in the chest. Kragthorpe told the Daily Advertiser that Fisher punched him and hit the pacemaker in his chest. A video below shows the contact between Fisher and Kragthorpe.

Fisher appears to shove Kragthorpe in the chest and walk toward him before people stepped in between.


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BTW, the Chronicle person tweeted that the video shows snot nose Fisher merely "shoved" Krags, not punched him. So Krags version is "disputed".  Why would you shove or punch someone yelling at another to quit trying to pick a fight? If it is not going to look good for LSU, I would think this is what was being referred to. Disclaimer: I haven't yet watched the video.

So now I have three SEC teams I despise with the burning passion of 1,000 suns.

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10 minutes ago, La Tigresse said:

BTW, the Chronicle person tweeted that the video shows snot nose Fisher merely "shoved" Krags, not punched him. So Krags version is "disputed".  Why would you shove or punch someone yelling at another to quit trying to pick a fight? If it is not going to look good for LSU, I would think this is what was being referred to. Disclaimer: I haven't yet watched the video.

So now I have three SEC teams I despise with the burning passion of 1,000 suns.

Rthat video is in slow motion so you can't see how hard he was shoved

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20 minutes ago, La Tigresse said:

If Krags was hit in the pacemaker hard enough to have to be checked out by the ATM physicians and feels like it may have been damaged, even a shove was not light. 

That is not something to lie about. 

A good friend of mine has a pacemaker defibrillator, he played DB at Southern University. He’s young, and without knowing, looks as fit as anyone you know. His job had to be changed, other steps made to continue working, now this was installed for his heart, the one Krags has is for the brain. Both not to be played with, very dangerous. If Krags was trying to hide something, don’t think he would not have had aTm Dr look at it. 

Guess we will get a little more information soon. 

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6 hours ago, Fishhead said:

I'd bet the farm Battle has played his last game as a Tiger...

you’re probably right. but if so, it better be LSU that makes that decision and not the SEC or NCAA. 

Alabama guy doesn’t get suspended for throwing 3 punches IN A GAME. 

Ole Piss and Miss St have multiple players exchange haymakers IN A GAME, no suspensions. 


we’ll see what happens though. 

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Ok so what is the national media perception about all of this?  I haven't been able to see TV on it at all. and when I looked on ESPN site yesterday I didn't see anything.

The folks here are claiming Krags made it out to be worse than it was and I am getting pissed.  This link by the Chronicle is what keeps being thrown at me:

https://m.chron.com/sports/aggies/article/Video-appears-to-dispute-LSU-coach-s-version-of-13423307.php?utm_campaign=twitter-desktop&utm_source=CMS Sharing Button&utm_medium=social

I said that it had to be bad enough of a shove to have him have to see the doctor and they say, of course he had to do that to make his claim seem real 😡

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37 minutes ago, dachsie said:

Ok so what is the national media perception about all of this?  I haven't been able to see TV on it at all. and when I looked on ESPN site yesterday I didn't see anything.

The folks here are claiming Krags made it out to be worse than it was and I am getting pissed.  This link by the Chronicle is what keeps being thrown at me:

https://m.chron.com/sports/aggies/article/Video-appears-to-dispute-LSU-coach-s-version-of-13423307.php?utm_campaign=twitter-desktop&utm_source=CMS Sharing Button&utm_medium=social

I said that it had to be bad enough of a shove to have him have to see the doctor and they say, of course he had to do that to make his claim seem real 😡

Slow motion, much like a play in a game? I know this, at Krags age, having had the pacemaker in for around a year, any type of shove, push or blow to it, can set it off. Remember, this is used for his brain, an electronic piece of equipment. Like I said before, the person I know well that has one, his life changed, inside and outside of work and home life. Krags was left to work within the program due to this. How would he find another job, with this condition? He was given a more 9-5 job. A less stressful job, with the same routine, that is what’s best for someone in his condition. 

How hard of a push, jab would someone say is acceptable? 

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2 hours ago, Nutriaitch said:

you’re probably right. but if so, it better be LSU that makes that decision and not the SEC or NCAA. 

Alabama guy doesn’t get suspended for throwing 3 punches IN A GAME. 

Ole goldenshower and Miss St have multiple players exchange haymakers IN A GAME, no suspensions. 


we’ll see what happens though. 

This is why I don't trust the SEC front office any more.  The Tuscaloosa U incident in which instead of receiving a suspension for three punches in a game, the SEC let Sabear "handle discipline internally". That is utter and complete didley-poo.


And for the link that Jimbo is handling this matter internally? No need to say how? He learned well from the midget. For all we know, he could have said "couldn't you land a better punch?" and left it at that.


But I would agree with you gentlemen that Battle has probably seen his last game.

12 hours ago, LSUDad said:


And this is why I don't trust ATM.  Reports that came out Saturday night, that ATM , and Jimbo, initially played stupid about, are now being verified.  F'uck both fishers, with an electric cattle prod.

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