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The After Fight


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17 minutes ago, LSUDad said:

Slow motion, much like a play in a game? I know this, at Krags age, having had the pacemaker in for around a year, any type of shove, push or blow to it, can set it off. Remember, this is used for his brain, an electronic piece of equipment. Like I said before, the person I know well that has one, his life changed, inside and outside of work and home life. Krags was left to work within the program due to this. How would he find another job, with this condition? He was given a more 9-5 job. A less stressful job, with the same routine, that is what’s best for someone in his condition. 

How hard of a push, jab would someone say is acceptable? 

That is exactly what I have been saying.  That video was in slow motion so no way of knowing how hard he was pushed.  And you cant do that with a pacemaker no matter how soft or hard it was.  Makes my blood boil.  They say if he was that fragile he shouldn't have been on the field.  Grrrrr

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1 hour ago, dachsie said:

Ok so what is the national media perception about all of this?  I haven't been able to see TV on it at all. and when I looked on ESPN site yesterday I didn't see anything.

The folks here are claiming Krags made it out to be worse than it was and I am getting pissed.  This link by the Chronicle is what keeps being thrown at me:

https://m.chron.com/sports/aggies/article/Video-appears-to-dispute-LSU-coach-s-version-of-13423307.php?utm_campaign=twitter-desktop&utm_source=CMS Sharing Button&utm_medium=social

I said that it had to be bad enough of a shove to have him have to see the doctor and they say, of course he had to do that to make his claim seem real 😡

Well the optics don't look good for LSU.  A punch becomes a shove, and a player cheap shots the accused while he's tussling with Faulk. 

On the surface that's what we have

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49 minutes ago, Fishhead said:

Well the optics don't look good for LSU.  A punch becomes a shove, and a player cheap shots the accused while he's tussling with Faulk. 

On the surface that's what we have

no, optics don’t look good at all. 

if Krags didn’t have a pacemaker (which lil Jimbo prolly didn’t even know), no one would have any issue with the shove in the video. 

and yeah Battle did cheap shot him. 

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3 minutes ago, dachsie said:

one thing that Houston Chronicle video shows to me is that the A&M guy punched at Faulk first. Do y'all see that?

Yes but Battle took a cheap shot on him and there is no evidence that corroborates Kragthorpe's story. He was pushed. Granted he has Parkinson's, he has a pacemaker... but nobody knows that. 

The optics are an LSU coach fabricated a story and an LSU player sucker punched a dude. 

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3 hours ago, Fishhead said:

Yes but Battle took a cheap shot on him and there is no evidence that corroborates Kragthorpe's story. He was pushed. Granted he has Parkinson's, he has a pacemaker... but nobody knows that. 

The optics are an LSU coach fabricated a story and an LSU player sucker punched a dude. 

I agree it doesn't look good for Battle. But shove/hit, lil snot fisher appears to have had no reason to get aggressive (other than Krags was a meanie, probably yelling at Craig to go home) to anyone. And it appears then Faulk stepped in, and he really got combative. Plenty of blame to lay on him, too. 

If we we want to talk about perception, "no, I didn't know there was a fight" and "Cole who?" screams "not truthful" to me.  So if ATM wants to scream fabricate, they need to look in the mirror.

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1 hour ago, La Tigresse said:

I agree it doesn't look good for Battle. But shove/hit, lil snot fisher appears to have had no reason to get aggressive (other than Krags was a meanie, probably yelling at Craig to go home) to anyone. And it appears then Faulk stepped in, and he really got combative. Plenty of blame to lay on him, too. 

If we we want to talk about perception, "no, I didn't know there was a fight" and "Cole who?" screams "not truthful" to me.  So if ATM wants to scream fabricate, they need to look in the mirror.

Don't disagree,  Cole's a kitty and Craig's a punk. Still, LSU is gonna get killed in the court of public opinion. 

Quite frankly, the sooner LSU fans (and players and coaches) quit whining and playing victim, the sooner this gets better. Either that or man up and take a damn stand. 

In the thread "The Blame Game", the were many options including refs. But there's a better idea than blaming refs, especially since nearly every "bad call" has been shown to be the correct call... NEARLY. 

The PI on greedy was BS. But...

The interception... just didn't happen. He was down. 

The fumble... he did not even take 2 steps while LSU fans all over are saying he took 3. Close call, but can't argue either way. 

The alleged illegal formation wasn't. A horrible angle was used to show it, plus people are spouting an NFL rule that simply doesn't apply to the college game. 

The first down that was short... wasn't. I thought it was because the yellow line. But the yellow line was WAY off and the refs were looking at the actual first down marker... which he was across even before he rolled.  AND at least a couple seconds ran before the clock was stopped with 3 seconds to go, which, by rule, IS enough time to spike it... despite what O keeps saying. 

So, how about rushing for more than two effing yards in the first half, making that fg, fielding that punt, using Fournette more, using Moreau more, or, I dunno, COVERING #13????

The above paragraph outlines why the game was lost. Sure, there were a couple calls that could've gone either way, and we should've gone to the 8th OT due to no PI on Greedy. But the bottom line is, the game should've been over by OUR doing before even the 1st OT.

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First, if Craig doesn’t act a fool, this never escalates. From what I’ve gathered, Craig got in coaches face after throwing his headset at them. 

D. Craig was caught by O and the staff, he was let go by O once all the $hit came to light. 

Now for the jab, push, whatever. A good friend of mine is a ER Dr, anytime a pacemaker/ defibrillator is hit, jolted, etc. Often times,  the person knows it. This was the reason for the EKG, being done a the stadium. 

Also, someone within the LSU AD, released a statement. 

Some seem to forget, Krags worked for aTm, before taking off a year to help with his wife who was sick. Krags was to return to aTm, before his return,  Les gave him a call for the OC job at LSU. 

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1 hour ago, Fishhead said:


Quite frankly, the sooner LSU fans (and players and coaches) quit whining and playing victim, the sooner this gets better. Either that or man up and take a damn stand. 

The above paragraph outlines why the game was lost. Sure, there were a couple calls that could've gone either way, and we should've gone to the 8th OT due to no PI on Greedy. But the bottom line is, the game should've been over by OUR doing before even the 1st OT.

all of THIS. 


i dont know what happened to this fan base when Les got canned, but jesus!

we’ve turned into a large collection of spineless pussies. 

excuse after excuse after excuse. 

“oh we’ll never catch InbredGumps, so it’s not that big a deal”

”it’s not fair, our player was suspended”

”the refs beat us”

”we don’t have any talent”



man the phuck up and demand excellence!

we went from a coach who said stuff like “i did not have my team prepared for this game. We need to coach these guys up more”

to guy that multiple times now has said “we don’t have good enough players”

and people are fornicating ok with this?

9-3, third place in the west was a fireable offense. i’m talking pitchfork, for sale signs, the whole nine yards. 

now for some reason, 9-3 and third place in the west is being celebrated. gonna give him a goddamn extension for this shyte. 

and people are fornicating happy?!?


WE lost that game saturday. Not the officials. LSU did.

field an offense with a pulse in 2nd half and we win going away. 

get one goddamn first down, we win the game. 

get a stop on 4th and freaking 18, we win the game. 

attemt to reach the end zone in 4th OT, we win the game. 


thats all on LSU, not anyone else. 

LSU is trying like hell to paint this narrative that we got robbed. 

no, we got phucking beat. 

LSU is now trying to paint a narrative on this situation. 

i don’t know the whole story, so i can’t say anything definitive. 

but our Minister of Propaganda Derek phucking Ponamsky is lying shady dipshit felon hired solely for the purpose of making O look like he’s not shitty. So....


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5 minutes ago, LSUDad said:

First, if Craig doesn’t act a fool, this never escalates. From what I’ve gathered, Craig got in coaches face after throwing his headset at them. 

D. Craig was caught by O and the staff, he was let go by O once all the $hit came to light. 

Now for the jab, push, whatever. A good friend of mine is a ER Dr, anytime a pacemaker/ defibrillator is hit, jolted, etc. Often times,  the person knows it. This was the reason for the EKG, being done a the stadium. 

Also, someone within the LSU AD, released a statement. 

Some seem to forget, Krags worked for aTm, before taking off a year to help with his wife who was sick. Krags was to return to aTm, before his return,  Les gave him a call for the OC job at LSU. 

oh, i agree Craig is a POS. I hated him in the 90s

and i have no doubt Krags needed his pacemaker checked. 

but he was shoved. not punched. so the punch story is a lie. 

yeah he has a pacemaker, but how many people outside of LSU administration knew that before this story broke?  not very many. 

so at the end of the day, we have a grown man shoving another grown man.  that’s it. yeah Krags is older, but he’s 53, not 93. 

im glad Faulk and Battle stood up for coaches/teammates. Shows more heart than most on this team have shown in a while. 


im more pissed about the spin LSU rushed to put out in the media. make sure everyone feels sorry for us before anything else leaks. 

its what we’ve become. 


but in reality, huge gaping vaginas. 

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43 minutes ago, LSUDad said:

First, if Craig doesn’t act a fool, this never escalates. From what I’ve gathered, Craig got in coaches face after throwing his headset at them. 

D. Craig was caught by O and the staff, he was let go by O once all the $hit came to light. 

Now for the jab, push, whatever. A good friend of mine is a ER Dr, anytime a pacemaker/ defibrillator is hit, jolted, etc. Often times,  the person knows it. This was the reason for the EKG, being done a the stadium. 

Also, someone within the LSU AD, released a statement. 

Some seem to forget, Krags worked for aTm, before taking off a year to help with his wife who was sick. Krags was to return to aTm, before his return,  Les gave him a call for the OC job at LSU. 

All of this is valid. The not disputing it was warranted for him to be checked out and it was a serious issue. 

But he was not punched unless LSU is withholding video literally nobody else has. And the punk ass femaledog that pushed his is just that, but he didn't do so to purposely strike his pacemaker... because who knew he even has a pacemaker?

And Craig... don't get me started. Slimy snake, pure weasel.

But it doesn't matter. The way this shyte was portrayed immediately following the brush up is NOTHING like what actually happened and now LSU looks like liars and crybabies.  It's downright embarrassing!

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1 hour ago, Fishhead said:

The way this shyte was portrayed immediately following the brush up is NOTHING like what actually happened and now LSU looks like liars and crybabies.  It's downright embarrassing!

it’s baffling to me how many people are buying into everything that comes out of their mouths. even when presented with proof that it’s all wrong. 

“we’re going to do a national search for a championship caliber coach” followed by “never left our own building and hired a guy with zero history of being championship caliber”

“i’m gonna hire the best coordinators and let them do their jobs” followed by “i tried changing to offense in Troy game”

“we’re ready to win now. this is not a rebuild. we’ll be pushing for playoffs next year” followed by “we knew this year was a rebuilding year, so lumps were expected”

“we’re too young and inexperienced this year (2017), next year will be the true tale” followed by “we didn’t return any experience from last year, this team is too young”

”o-line and wr will be the strength of this team (going into 2018)” followed by “les didn’t leave us any linemen, and our WR aren’t any good”

“we’re gonna build a championship program fast. very fast” followed by “the cupboard was completely barren, this is going to take time to rebuild”





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