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Alleva On Thin Ice, IMO


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Thos boos were earned not given!  :atomic:

I hope you are right about Alleva.  This is yet another rush to judgement before the facts all come in.

Nothing was gained by suspending Will Wade except perhaps a minor PR move to make LSU look like they were ahead of things.  What it did was make Wade look guilty AF in the eyes of the public.

Holding Smart out of the Vandy game was just as stupid. 

Think about it...does this save any potential wins from being vacated? No. If there were any violations Wade committed wrt to Smart, every game he played in will be vacated and the season will be basically erased from the books.  Any game Wade coached in will also be vacated and the NCAA has the power to vacate the entire season as punishment against the University for "not knowing".

So, basically, Alleva and F*King threw the program under the bus out of a false sense of prudence.

A taped phone conversation on a deal for a recruit does not a "completed deal" make. If there were illegal payments to Smart's family, one would assume the FBI would already have bank records in hand and Adidas (as the payor) would be hauled into court already (at least one would think).

We've seen many instances of "street agents" ingratiate themselves with the families of premier recruits and try to work coaches for "secret deals".  All you need to do is think back to the Cam Newton saga with Auburn recruiting as an example.

My guess is that coaches - during the course of recruiting players - have to blow smoke up the donkeyholes of these "street agents" to keep these shitbags positively aligned with a coaches recruiting efforts instead of doing anything that could suddenly turn the recruit and/or his family against the coach and university.  

@LSUDad ...I know you have a lot of coaching contacts and any insight on recruiting dynamics would be appreciated.

In the absence of "proof of payment", Wade's comments in the phone transcripts could just as easily be seen as stroking Dawkins to keep moving the recruiting process forward to the eventual signing.

Back to Alleva...there is nothing new in the recent Yahoo story that was not known months ago in the 1st trial when one of the attorneys read that transcript in court.  Nothing changed and there are no new developments...Why didn't Alleva suspend Wade then?

Wade has been subpoenaed  in an ongoing investigation and upcoming trial.  He can't talk about that. If he does he could bring significant legal consequences to him personally - including possible jail time.  His lawyer advised him to not say a word about it as a result.

Alleva should be competent enough to understand the legal ramifications for Will Wade if he talks about an ongoing FBI investigation and upcoming trial that he is a subpoenaed witness to. Alleva should be competent enough to understand Wade could be in contempt of court for talking about the details of this.

Yet Alleva insisted Wade come in and talk about this and when Wade correctly cited advice of counsel, he was suspended.

In suspending Wade indefinately, Alleva may have very well put LSU in potential civil liability. If Wade is completely innocent, his reputation has been severely damaged by these actions and it could make him completely unhireable  for any other head coaching job.  You think there might be one or two lawyers out there that might want to take that to court?


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I have some sympathy for LSU's position, and Alleva's action.  The flip side to Herb's post is that if the university is seen as "unconcerned" about potential violations, or resistant to efforts to investigate, typically the NCAA will eventually throw the book at LSU.  What I have seen over the decades is the more resistant and less proactive, the penalty rises exponentially.  I was at USL when we got the death penalty on the basketball program.  We came in second in D2 in 1972, and went to the sweet 16 the next season in D1!  Too far, too fast.  It was great fun to watch all-american Dwight "Bo" Lamar at point guard (played for the San Diego Conquistadors in the ABA), Roy Ebron (Utah Stars, ABA), Larry Foggle (Knicks), "Tree" Lofton.  USL resisted the NCAA, was not proactive investigating, took no action to police or sanction themselves, and the NCAA took them down, hard.

I am not an Alleva fan.  I think he horribly mishandled the Les Miles situation by keeping him an extra year only to fire him 4 games into the next season, his ridiculous Miles Clause in contracts caused Chief rightfully to leave, and OK, he didn't conduct the head coach search very well in replacing Miles.  But on this deal, he is probably acting prudently.

There is highly suspicious public evidence.  Exactly what it means remains to be seen, possibly at trial.  But at this point, you cannot just put your head in the sand.

The university will be asked, how concerned were you, and what action did you take to protect the integrity of the game and correct the deficiency of your program?  You better have a good answer.

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6 hours ago, Herb said:


@LSUDad ...I know you have a lot of coaching contacts and any insight on recruiting dynamics would be appreciated.


As with everyone, you want this over as fast as possible. An yes, Coaches will negative recruit you, with this hanging over your head. 

I could go on and on about payments to players. One guy that played talked about how they knew the NCAA was coming in for a check, all the nice cars were parked two lots over. How your home game tickets were taken from your locker and replaced with cash. 

How two of the biggest LSU recruits were heading out of state for more money. One even had a great story as to why he left the state. How a small school can out recruit the larger schools. Too many stories. I’m still holding on to names, to protect the innocent.

When you have shoe contracts, handlers, AAU, 7 on 7 camps, etc. Someone has to get paid, many times, it’s not the kid. 

It’s a game, or is it a business? Sometimes you can’t have both 

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couple things. 

Herb, that conversation alone is a recruiting violation. money doesn’t have to change hands for the rules to be broken. 

but i agree that this move accomplished very, very, little. 

at most it gives the appearance of us maybe giving a shyte. but in reality, we’re vacating every game this year whether these two sit or not. and any punishment coming our way ain’t being lessened by this move. 


and Hou, i have absolute zero sympathy for alleva. 

he acts on emotion based on the tides and that’s it. it’s what he has always done. 

he did it at Duke with LaCrosse team. As soon ast thing got hot, he fired coach, cancelled and entire season, and took scholarships away from some players.  then find out all of the allegations were completely false and made up. No apologies uttered from Joe. 

Les Miles was thrown onto the hot seat because fans got pissed when we lost to InbredGumps again in ‘15. Only to change his mind during the A&M game. 

Hung up on Herman like a little whiny femaledog to hurry up and hire O. 

Wade report comes out on Wednesday.  Joe does nothing. National media starts howling and the temp gets hot, son on Thursday he suspends Wade, but no word on Smart. Until media starts questioning why he’s still playing. Then on Friday makes that move. 


all done purely on emotion. 

it’s who he is. 

but if that’s not enough, even when he thinks things through, they end up as a huge vat of liquid shyte. 

2 absolute horrendous hires in football at Duke. Horrendous even by their standards. 

hired a baseball coach at Duke that had the team embroiled in a steroids scandal. 

this is his 3rd attempt at a basketball coach here. 

womens coach ain’t looking like much right now either. 

somehow managed to have a press conference announcing a new softball coach that he hadn’t actually hired yet. 



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