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The Locker Room Dissenters


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In a brilliant move, LSU dumped the news of the new locker room, nutrition center, etc on a Sunday night in mid-July when there's next to nothing going on in the sports world, save for mid-season MLB.  

And the result was instant news, former players tweeting left and right excited about the development, wishing they were still here.  And recruits...literally started calling coaches hoping to visit THIS WEEKEND, which unfortunately isn't possible as this is a JUCO visiting weekend only.  Regardless, a tidal wave of attention from recruits is fantastic!  This is bigger than just cool locker stations and great food prepared by a world class chef based on each players individual needs.  This is a recruiting gold mine!

But then came the dissenters, the very ignorant dissenters, if I do say so my damn self.  
Let's start with:

Eric Reid!!??  This guy...at this point, I hope if he's on MNF going forward, he introduces himself as from Dutchtown High instead of LSU.  I mean that.  Here's what Eric had to say regarding the improvements, paid for by TAF donations and donations from other former Tigers such as Patrick Peterson and Tyrann Mathieu (notably, NOT Eric Reid). 


The locker room when I was at LSU 7 years ago was better than the current one in Carolina. But there’s no money to compensate these young men for the revenue they bring to the school #JustSaying

Hot take, Eric.  So LSU should just pay players?  Eff the NCAA?  I realize he may have been aiming his shot at the NCAA, but why when YOUR SCHOOL comes out with a splash announcement do you choose to spout your mouth off?  I mean, have you not seen Oregon?  Alabama?  Texas?  TAMU?  tOSU?  LSU's is different, (and awesome because it's extremely functional), but it's not a waterfall in the locker room like Oregon or a Putt Putt course in the locker room like Clemson, etc etc etc...

I was so happy to see Justin Vincent and a couple others (Will Blackwell for one) take Eric to task on his take. 

Here's JVs initial response.


Eric - Hope all is well. We do have people on a daily endowing scholarships honoring student-athletes in every sport. Matter of fact on of your teammates did one last year. As for the building it was out dated and need a facelift. Pat and Tyrann wanted to help with that. Call me

So Eric....he...

Doubled down on the stupid!


Hey Emily! You interviewed me for a couple years. Now can I ask you a question? Dont u find it interesting that we can convince people 2 donate millions 2 renovate a facility that doesn’t need renovating? How many scholarships could have been given with the money used 2 renovate?

I don't understand how a person that was a very big part of an organization has ZERO clue how said organization works. 

Hey Eric, how much of your $25 MILLION dollars have you personally donated to start a scholarship endowment at LSU?  

Also, Eric, LSU athletics, in the last 10 years, has given the education side of the University...sit down for this Eric...
ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!!  Let's do it with zeros....

And they didn't have to!  

There are literally countless ignorant fricks out in the Twitter-verse that think the State of Louisiana and Louisiana State University paid for these incredible upgrades!  Yeah, no....that would be private donations from TAF and as mentioned earlier, former players.  I know many TAF members, and although they are quite liberal with their donations to LSU athletics, I don't know a single one of them that doesn't also donate to the University itself.  Even with F'King still present.  

Dickie V was at it again as well as the schmucks at Yahoo.  Dick thinks "we" should be giving to cancer research instead of locker rooms.  This dude, he's a HORRIBLE representative to have as the face of a movement, because he can't keep his flipping mouth shut.  You know how to NOT get people to donate to your cause?  Talk shyte for months on end about them!  Like no LSU fans/boosters etc donate to the ACS.  I prefer St. Jude for my charitable donations, but if he were the face of it, it'd be hard to pull that trigger.  

The best I've seen was Dan Wolken.  He took to twitter last night not exactly bashing LSU, but making fun of the sleeping pods, essentially saying, hey, they're different.  Useless, but different.  Who sleeps in the locker room?  
It wasn't long before a plethora of completely unbiased big names like Mike Golic chimed in fully supporting the idea of the sleep pods, wishing they had existed when they were playing college ball.  Like when you had an hour between the end of your morning workout and your first class with your dorm on the other side of the campus...yeah, pretty cool to have a place to chill and get a nap in after working out, go to class, then film study that afternoon, all right there.  Mix in the individually specific meals prepared right there in the same building and these guys will benefit so much from this. 

Let's not kid ourselves though.  Is it gaudy?  Is it keeping up with the arms race that is college football?  Is it to attract big time recruits?  High profile coaches?  ABSOLUTELY!  Of course it is! 

That's their job!!  

Damn fine job, LSU.  Dr. Marucci and company deserve a YUGE round of applause for this state of the art facility.  

Oh, and Eric Reid, find another hill upon which to kneel.  Get LSU's name outcha mouth.  Thanks for the INT in the GOTC 2011, but get lost, dude.  You're one of those that thinks your contribution is simply to point out the wrongs in the world, yet not do a damn thing to FIX this issues you're so quick to point out.  Get fricked. 

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15 hours ago, Fishhead said:


Hannigriff lights Vitale up at about the 24:00 mark.  



im torn on the Vitale one. 

i hate that he seems to living singling out and bashing LSU. 

but on the other hand, he does have a point. We as a society in general sometimes have our priorities all jacked up. 

yeah Dickie V does raise a shyte ton on money for Cancer research, but it’s an exhausting process of countless fundraising and begging for donations. 

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15 minutes ago, Nutriaitch said:


im torn on the Vitale one. 

i hate that he seems to living singling out and bashing LSU. 

but on the other hand, he does have a point. We as a society in general sometimes have our priorities all jacked up. 

yeah Dickie V does raise a shyte ton on money for Cancer research, but it’s an exhausting process of countless fundraising and begging for donations. 

Alabama, Auburn, Clemson, TAMU 

ALL spent over DOUBLE what LSU spent. I heard nothing from that clown Vitale. 

I'm not torn on shyte. LSU broke that dude. He's gone off the reservation with his hate for LSU

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10 minutes ago, Fishhead said:

 I've been waiting about 15 years to hear that from you. Thank you!


1 minute ago, Nutriaitch said:

i’ve been waiting 15 years for you to say anything worth agreeing with. 

Must be getting close to football season....:classic_cool:

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Rabalais: Yes, LSU's new facility is over the top, but so is the criticism of it

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Rivers Hughey, left, lays back on a sofa to get a better picture of the ceiling and wall murals inside the (Tyrann) Mathieu Players Lounge at a ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour at LSU's new Football Operations and Performance Nutrition Center, Wednesday, July 24, 2019.

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Yet unassigned locker and display for player who will receive the coveted #18 jersey, inside Phillips-Bordelon Locker Room, which at more than 8,000 square feet, is built for relaxation, recovery, and comfort. It features one-of-a-kind lockers with a specialized ventilation system and bacteria-resistant phenolic surfaces. See at a ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour at LSU's new Football Operations and Performance Nutrition Center, Wednesday, July 24, 2019.


Quarterback meeting room at LSU's new Football Operations and Performance Nutrition Center, Wednesday, July 24, 2019.


Is LSU’s new football facility and nutrition center over the top?


Of course, that begs another question:


Is it necessary?

Absolutely not. Not if you merely want to exist as a football program. But if you want to compete with the Alabamas, Clemsons, Ohio States and even Oregons of the college football world, you have to deliver a knock-your-eyes-out blow when you can.

LSU academically does not match up across the board with some of the top schools in the country, or even in the Southeastern Conference. Schools like Texas A&M, Vanderbilt and Florida. So to woo the best football players, it has to give them something cutting edge special — as tough a moving target as that is to hit.

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LSU has done that. With its radical locker room with its sleeping pods to its customizable sports drink fountains (players can adjust the sodium, flavor and even electrolyte content of their beverages) to its high-tech wizardry throughout, it is truly an amazing facility.

No, there is no slide or laser tag room like Clemson built, no waterfall in the hydrotherapy pool area like at Alabama, and no Nepalese rugs or Ferrari leather seats could be seen like those in the football ops building at Oregon. Though yes, there are bells and whistles, as in the hallway with blank torsos onto which projectors can show images of the jerseys of current NFL players from LSU.

But mostly the program appears to have gone with a form follows function approach. Case in point, and probably the most underpublicized part of the building: the “walkthrough” room which projects opposing team’s formations on about a 50-foot wall, allowing players to put what they have just seen on traditional film study into practical use by stepping next door. It is said to be the only one of its kind in college football — at least as of close of business Wednesday.

As for the nutrition center, it resembles the multi-station buffet on a sparkling new mega cruise liner. There are places for salads, pizza, hot entrees, deserts (of course) and even a charcuterie board (if you are a fan of “Modern Family” you know they are killing themselves with that name). During Wednesday’s ribbon cutting ceremonies and tour, I was tempted to ask someone if they could whip me up a kale, quinoa and kiwi smoothie with a touch of bacon. One look at that place and you had to figure it was within reach.

What is not there in the $28 million facility is a dollar spent that was pulled out of the hands of a regular student or member of LSU’s faculty, or from repairs on the leaky basement at the school’s now multi-controversial Middleton Library. The money for it all came from private donations via TAF, LSU athletics’ fundraising arm.

Now, you can argue whether it is more necessary to build such a football palace when LSU’s library has sprung many leaks. Or when the entire campus has about $1 billion in deferred maintenance issues. But this is also the school that built an LSU-shaped lazy river at its revamped student recreation center (with student fees), so there are lots of priorities to question here beyond the scope of a 100-yard football field.


These sorts of tug of wars have been going on at LSU for decades. In the 1930s, athletic director Skipper Heard wanted to expand the stadium and school President James Smith wanted dormitories. The dorms were built into the stadium expansion project. In the 1950s, there was a fight over whether to enclose the south end of Tiger Stadium to create a 67,500-seat bowl with about 25,000 new seats or to build Middleton Library in the first place. After a protracted battle in the state legislature, the stadium was expanded, then the library was built.

The fallacy comes in when you try to argue that if someone like former LSU All-American Tyrann Mathieu was not donating money for his namesake players lounge at the new football facility that he would automatically be cutting the same check to academics. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn’t. You can’t tell people how to spend their money, or how they want to give it.

To that end, though, LSU President F. King Alexander insists donations to the school’s academic side over the past year outstripped athletic donations by more than 2-to-1. As someone who takes the disintegrating South Quad Drive in front of the remodeled $100-million plus Patrick Taylor Hall (College of Engineering) to football practice and press conferences every week in the fall, I’d like to see someone find the money for a repaving project. But I digress.

LSU’s goal, as new athletic director Scott Woodward said, should be to be top notch in physics and football. Perhaps a facility like this will help LSU be better at both. Athletics should be the front porch of a university, attracting high-quality students and funding, not the other way round.

Perhaps one day, a school will rise up and try to be the anti-lavish spending example. They may tell recruits, “We have a locker room with nails on the wall and a splintered stool for each player to sit on, because THAT MAKES YOU TOUGH!!!” Or schools will have to spend money on compensating players like the New Orleans Saints do (its locker room is hardly what one would call decadent).

Meanwhile, other schools are spending over the top, too: $50 million on new football facilities at Auburn and South Carolina. Fifty-five million at Clemson (wonder what the slide cost?).

It’s easy, at the moment, to make LSU the poster child for what ails big-time college athletics. At least until the next mega-tricked out facility comes on line, which could be any day now.

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Right now, Northshore Dad and I are in a disagreement.  He thinks they spent too much money.  After 30 minutes of discussion, I shut him up by stating, “you can’t dictate how a man wants to spend his money”.   Also called him “Bernie Sanders”

Right now, I don’t even want to look at him.  

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5 hours ago, NS Mom said:

Right now, Northshore Dad and I are in a disagreement.  He thinks they spent too much money.  After 30 minutes of discussion, I shut him up by stating, “you can’t dictate how a man wants to spend his money”.   Also called him “Bernie Sanders”

Right now, I don’t even want to look at him.  

Ok you two, play nice. Let him listen to Hannys rant. Don’t you wish we could designate where our tax dollars go? 

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On 7/25/2019 at 5:39 AM, NS Mom said:

Right now, Northshore Dad and I are in a disagreement.  He thinks they spent too much money.  After 30 minutes of discussion, I shut him up by stating, “you can’t dictate how a man wants to spend his money”.   Also called him “Bernie Sanders”

Right now, I don’t even want to look at him.  

Show him what northwestern recently spent. Over $200,000,000!!!

They definitely needed that beach

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