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Believer or Fool's Gold? And what about all the suspensions?


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I'm as excited as the next fan about LSU's 3-0 start.  They've showed some grit, had a big comeback win, they've beaten two highly ranked teams they were picked to lose against, the defense is making plays and still appears to have room to grow, and they have a bonafide Kicker which we all know how important special teams are in deciding games in College Football.

Nonetheless, the passing game is still stagnant.  The big plays we've made won't always be there and, if we don't have them, will this offense be able to move the football and develop some rhythm?  I'm hoping the OLine will begin to settle in more as it looks like we know where we want guys after so much moving positions in the offseason and early games.  More time for Burrow and him continuing to develop chemistry with his receivers could certainly add a boost.  Yet, I'm from Missouri and this story is starting off much like so many years past.  Yes, I do believe we have the best QB situation we've had since Mett, but in general this is a team with a superb defense and an offense that simply might not be able to compete with the likes of Bama or Georgia.

What do you say?  Are you a believer already or are some of these wins Fool's Gold and we have a similar make up to teams in our recent past?

Also, we seem to have had a crazy, inordinate number of suspensions.  Some of the ones announced were for some very significant transgressions.  I don't know if Coach O is just holding the team to a harder line, if this is a bad year, or if we are struggling with discipline.  One of the issues for Coach O at Ole Miss was having high recruits who could never get on the field (grades or otherwise).  We've definitely lost some guys who were expected to be significant contributors at some point in their careers.  I guess I don't care much about what the kids were supposed to be, that's potential that may or may not have ever been realized on the field.  But the number of suspensions seems alarming to me.

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First things first, glad you found us!

Now on to the good stuff...


The big plays we've made won't always be there and, if we don't have them, will this offense be able to move the footballand develop some rhythm?

What about the plays that would've been big plays where we dropped a pass or missed a block or hit the wrong hole?  I would guess the big plays will actually increase as the offense gels more. 


this is a team with a superb defense and an offense that simply might not be able to compete with the likes of Bama or Georgia.

Or miami, or certainly Auburn at Jordan Hare.

Honestly, team seems to play up (and down) to the competition. 

I watched the film study, OL was vastly improved against a stout front 7. They should continue to gel. 

Penalties are a concern, but im hoping that improves as the season progresses... like last season. 


Glad you're here, Dru

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Thanks for making it over. We gotta get Brod over here, too!

I honestly don't know where to put myself...if I am a believer, I'm a believer in the program and I think what LSU has year in and year out is definitely not fool's gold.

That is not to say that we won't take some lumps.

Orgeron deserves some credit for systematically filling some key holes between last season and now...and not just kicker and QB.

The OL is my biggest worry. The good news is that a combination of shuffling people around coupled with our TE and RBs blocking have given Burrow just enough time in key plays. The bad news is that a combination of shuffling people around coupled with our TE and RBs blocking have given Burrow just enough time in key plays, but it takes away the option of Burrow to use the TE and RBs as targets to dump off to. We also don't seem to have a road grader or two on the OL to really open up the running game to the point where we can reliably get 4 yards at will.

The other area of concern that I have is LB. White is an absolute beast and will be a terror in the NFL - unlike Mingo and some others that did not pan out.  Unfortunately, the 2 best linebackers we have on the team are White and Delpit and Delpit isn't even a linebacker. Losing Chaisson will be felt as we move into the meat of the SEC schedule.

What I am a believer in is our damn strong receiving corp and DBU. May the "Greedy Kristians" eat the lions for a change.

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47 minutes ago, Herb said:

  Unfortunately, the 2 best linebackers we have on the team are White and Delpit and Delpit isn't even a linebacker. Losing Chaisson will be felt as we move into the meat of the SEC schedule.


Divinity has been very impressive, as has Jacob Phillips.  I mean, I totally agree White and Delpit are easily the best two defensive players, Greedy a close 3rd.  But that's literally 3 first rounders right there.  Rashard being a likely 1-2 round guy.  We're friggin stacked on defense.  

But regarding LBers, I don't think it's totally fair to judge the others against White.  They've EXCEEDED my expectations, especially Divinity.  I knew Phillips would be good and he has been.  But Divinity has been borderline great, very good.  

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i’m somewhere in the middle. 

i don’t think we’re a playoff team. but i’m not gonna day that what we’ve seen so far is “fool’s gold” either. 

i think we’re a good football team. probably even very good. 

i think Miami was overrated.

and i think we just own Auburn.  We’re 10-4 against them since 2005.  For those keeping track at home, that’s same as our record against Ole Miss (9-4 since this year hasn’t happened yet). And better than our record against Arkansas.

i think we can have a pretty good year, but our record not necessarily reflect that once it’s all over. 

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3 hours ago, Dru said:

Why has everyone ignored my question about the suspensions?

The only reason I did not answer the question about the suspensions was because I'm actually ignorant about the total number under Orgeron as opposed to others.  If you give some background, I could address it from a more informed point of view. 

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Okay...so I did some research on the suspensions.

The 2 biggest are Ed Ingram and Drake Davis.  Both are the result of domestic battery. 

LSU is absolutely correct in suspending both and Drake Davis is 100% gone since he withdrew from the university on his own accord. Ed Ingram is suspended indefinately pending investigation and letting the legal system run its course.

Domestic batterry should not be tolerated by LSU and keeping them on the team would have the potential of being a PR nightmare reminiscent of the Lawrence Phillips debacle at Nebraska (which was the catalyst of Nebraska's fall from being a perennial, elite program). LSU does not need that stain.

There have been a sprinkling of single and multiple game suspensions for disciplinary reasons.  I don't know what the transgressions were on these, but I think it is proper for Orgeron to use suspensions to keep these kids focused on their responsibilities as students and as team members.  

Playing for LSU is a privaledge granted to a very limited number of palyers.  Suspensions imposed by the coach are a good thing.

As far as I know, we have had only 1 guy suspended by the NCAA for targeting (Phillips) and I don't recall if we have any other players currently suspended on the NCAA level.

So my recap on this is:

  • Ed Ingram - good - even though we could use him on the OL right now, if he hit a woman out of anger he needs to get his didley-poo together. He deserves the benefit of the doubt, but that does not mean he needs to be on the team until proven innocent...his scholarship and eligibility *should* be put on hold while the legal system runs its course.
  • Drake Davis is off the team, so there technically is no longer any suspension - good riddance, IMHO.
  • The rest of the suspensions are proper and good use of discipline, as far as I can tell. I could be missing some, though.


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19 hours ago, Dru said:

And just for fun.. Fish, nice to see you too.  Wish you could answer the questions rather than cherry pick my post.  But to each his own.  

What suspensions? 

Ingram, i know nothing about it. I mean, i believe it's for carnal knowledge of a juvenile. Was it a 16 year old or a 9 year old? If 16, was it consentual? I mean, it happened before he was at LSU, so it might have been some high school girl that wanted it. 

I don't know. 

Drake Davis is gone, goodbye. 

The other little suspensions, i know literally nothing about. 

Regarding cherry picking...i answered what i had an opinion on. That's my prerogative. Why make up answers to stuff about which I know nothing and have no opinion?

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And Herb, battle was suspended for targeting.

Regarding the suspensions and the relation to the coaching staff...

Ingram literally did whatever he did prior to being at LSU. 

Anthony did his deal in Georgia when the team wasn't in school. 

Drake Davis is gone. But the coaches can't go tuck these guys in every night. 

Im not looking it up, but pretty sure O wasn't even HC when these guys signed with LSU. So I don't see the correlation implied. 

Correction: Ingram was in 2017 class. The others mentioned were 2016...pre O.


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Thanks for the chronology.

Phillips was ejected for targeting in the SLU game...I had forgotten Battle was ejected in the Auburn game.

I'd be more worried if kids were not being suspended when they get into significant trouble.

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1 minute ago, Nutriaitch said:

i could have sworn Battle’s target was in first half of Auburn game and was kinda shocked to see him have to sit out first half of this game. 

Battles was in the 2nd half of the Auburn game...Phillips' was in the 1st half of the SLU game.

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Just now, Nutriaitch said:

also keep in mind that Miles kept suspensions quiet. 

guys just wouldn’t play and Miles would never say a word as to why. 

so the number of suspensions may not be any more than normal. just that we hear about it now. 

Well O does as well. There are more but nobody knows what it's about. The guys i mentioned cause alerts on my phone from sports apps because they involved the police. Can't hide those

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