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16 hours ago, houtiger said:

 So, you move to take the first top tier offer, then you FORCE UT to move at your speed, LIKE NOW. 

or, the day after their last game of the year.
just like the AD said publicly a week or two before.

Herman didn't force anything.
Strong was out. and was going to be let go following the last game of the season.



16 hours ago, houtiger said:

and he FORCED Texas to move RIGHT NOW. 

except nothing changed with the timing.

so he didn't force anything. 

article written a week before anything happened.




The official announcement may not come until after the final regular-season game against TCU on Friday, according to a school statement.




16 hours ago, houtiger said:

It was not about more money, it was about getting the job he wanted.  Herman played his cards correctly, he used the LSU offer, which put him in a no-lose position, and based on talks he had with Texas that week, he knew he was a candidate there and he forced their hand


again, it's comical that people believe this.
Texas was already firing Strong.  Immediately after the season ended.

there is not a single thing about the Texas situation that changed because ESPN put it on their ticket at the bottom of the screen.

Nothing. Not the firing. Not the timing of the firing.
NOTHING changed.

if nothing changed, then he leveraged nothing.


16 hours ago, houtiger said:

Without an offer from LSU in hand by Herman, UT could have conducted a search, the process would have dragged on, Herman may not have gotten the job.  The situation changed dramatically for Texas once LSU moved. 

except it didn't.
it had been reported for WEEKS that Herman was our top choice. we all debated it here when the "search" was happening.

It was also widely reported that he would have his choice between us and Texas for weeks.

and Texas was always going to fire Strong after the season ended and interview Herman.

and guess what happened?
Texas fired Strong. after the season.
and asked for an interview.

EXACTLY the way everyone knew it would play out.
the LSU offer didn't change the timing. It didn't change the money. It changed absolutely nothing about the situation.

other than Joe Alleva, there isn't a person anywhere on the planet that didn't think Herman would at least listen to Texas before signing on the dotted line.
That also was always going to happen.


16 hours ago, houtiger said:

The leverage Herman had once he had an LSU offer on the table was not for money, it was that if they wanted Herman, they had to move NOW, without a search, and award the job to Herman.  That was the leverage.

except they didn't even offer him the job (or even "officially" fire Strong) until after Alleva tucked his tail and ran away.
so no, he didn't even have an offer on the table when he met with Texas, because we had already had the presser announcing O.



With Orgeron staying at LSU, Houston's Herman becomes the favorite to take over at Texas, which is expected to fire Charlie Strong as soon as today.

that's actually a lack of leverage at that point.

Texas had an opening. Herman had no other offer on the table.

Texas at that point could take their time, do a full search, and hire either Herman or someone else if they chose to.

16 hours ago, houtiger said:

Apparently Herman knew enough about the situation at Texas to know he was the leading candidate,

anyone with a TV or internet connection knew he was the leading candidate.

you didn't need to be an insider to find this info.

16 hours ago, houtiger said:

but who knows what happens if the process drags out and they conduct a search??? 

same could be said about the LSU job.

16 hours ago, houtiger said:

Herman had the power to force a decision NOW once he had the LSU offer, and he used to to make Texas move immediately, and they did. 

except they moved at the exact same speed they told everyone they would a week before.
again, this was public knowledge that they were firing him immediately after the season.

didn't matter if we did or didn't offer Herman.
the day Strong got fired was the day Strong was going to get fired.

another article from a full week before anything happened.




AUSTIN, Texas -- The University of Texas has decided to fire Charlie Strong as football coach, according to ESPN's Brett McMurphy and multiple reports.


Strong will coach the Longhorns' final regular season game Friday against TCU before stepping down.


Some Texas boosters were already exerting "extreme pressure" on Texas leadership to move on from Strong and pursue Houston coach Tom Herman, ESPN's Brett McMurphy reported Saturday.


and the timing of everything played out exactly like this.

so again, absolutely nothing about the Texas timing changed.

even representatives from Texas have said that the LSU thing had no effect on their timing or decision






Perrin found out about the reports from donors and colleagues quickly enough. Now, he says it didn't force Texas' hand.

"LSU is a very fine institution. It's got a great history. I've got friends who've gone there, played there, supported it," Perrin said. "But that didn't play any part of my thinking. I couldn't worry about other things I had no knowledge of."

so again, he changed absolutely NOTHING.



16 hours ago, houtiger said:

 The only ones who did not was LSU.


because we had the shittiest AD in the history of the school.

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"The chaos started a week earlier when Texas lost to Kansas. Reports erupted saying the Longhorns would fire Charlie Strong and that the University of Houston's Herman was their top choice to replace him. On Thursday, the Tom Herman sweepstakes took a turn when new reports said he was close to a deal with LSU, only to have Texas swoop in and steal Herman early Saturday morning.

Herman is now drawing a lot of criticism for how the situation was handled. 

According to Ross Dellenger of the New Orleans Advocate, rumors were circulating that Herman's agent actually sparked the LSU reports by feeding information about the negotiations to either Texas officials or directly to media that covers the Texas football program. Those reports broke as LSU was playing Texas A&M on Thanksgiving night and said a deal between LSU and Herman was close and could be finalized by Saturday.

Then, on Friday, prior to Houston's game against Memphis, Herman was asked about the reports that he might leave Houston and that "multiple teams" were interested in hiring him.

"Honestly, don't believe anything that you read," Herman told ESPN.

When pressed further to confirm that the reports were false, Herman said, "absolutely, sure."

The next day, Herman was the coach at Texas, meaning, at best, Herman was playing semantics with his answers. At worst, he was flat out lying.

On Tuesday, Herman confirmed to "The Dan Patrick Show" that he finalized a deal with Texas hours after the game against Memphis, at approximately 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning."



Herman's agent is the one who leaked the info about a pending offer from LSU to the Texas people.  He leaked the information to the Texas people to put PRESSURE on them to get the deal done quickly.  There is no other reason to negotiate with Herman after the Memphis game on Friday, until the deal was done at 4 AM on Saturday morning.  When you are negotiating a deal way past midnight and finalize it at 4 AM, it is because the candidate has pressure on you, they call that leverage.  When you have two top flight offers, you have the power to choose.


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57 minutes ago, houtiger said:

"The chaos started a week earlier when Texas lost to Kansas. Reports erupted saying the Longhorns would fire Charlie Strong and that the University of Houston's Herman was their top choice to replace him. On Thursday, the Tom Herman sweepstakes took a turn when new reports said he was close to a deal with LSU, only to have Texas swoop in and steal Herman early Saturday morning.

Herman is now drawing a lot of criticism for how the situation was handled. 

According to Ross Dellenger of the New Orleans Advocate, rumors were circulating that Herman's agent actually sparked the LSU reports by feeding information about the negotiations to either Texas officials or directly to media that covers the Texas football program. Those reports broke as LSU was playing Texas A&M on Thanksgiving night and said a deal between LSU and Herman was close and could be finalized by Saturday.

Then, on Friday, prior to Houston's game against Memphis, Herman was asked about the reports that he might leave Houston and that "multiple teams" were interested in hiring him.

"Honestly, don't believe anything that you read," Herman told ESPN.

When pressed further to confirm that the reports were false, Herman said, "absolutely, sure."

The next day, Herman was the coach at Texas, meaning, at best, Herman was playing semantics with his answers. At worst, he was flat out lying.

On Tuesday, Herman confirmed to "The Dan Patrick Show" that he finalized a deal with Texas hours after the game against Memphis, at approximately 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning."



vs direct quotes that all line up and tell the exact same story with the exact same timeline that Texas always said was it was going to follow.



57 minutes ago, houtiger said:

Herman's agent is the one who leaked the info about a pending offer from LSU to the Texas people.  He leaked the information to the Texas people to put PRESSURE on them to get the deal done quickly. 

this is speculation at best. 
it makes just as much sense to say Ponamsky leaked it to try to railroad that deal.

or we can take ff the tin foil conspiracy hats and look at it from a much more logical point of view. The athletic department under Alleva had more holes in it than sieve.  Always did. Everything always came out early because nobody could ever keep their mouths shut.  And I would venture to guess that this by far is the most likely scenario.

but nobody knows who actually leaked it.

57 minutes ago, houtiger said:

There is no other reason to negotiate with Herman after the Memphis game on Friday, until the deal was done at 4 AM on Saturday morning.  When you are negotiating a deal way past midnight and finalize it at 4 AM, it is because the candidate has pressure on you, they call that leverage.

Alleva had already told him to go get firetrucked at that point.
so he didn't have 2 offers on the table.
he had 1 (ok, 2 if you count the extension Houston offered).

that's not leverage.

Texas was going to fire Charlie Strong that exact same day, no matter what.
and was going to interview Herman that exact same day, no matter what.

Everybody but Joe Alleva knew that.

the timeline never changed, never wavered.
it remained exactly where Texas told us the previous week it would happen. Strong was out, would coach the last game, then be "officially" announced the day after the game.
And Tom Herman was never signing with LSU until he heard from Texas.  His representatives also told anyone who would listen that the week before.
Texas knew that the week before.  Texas' president point blank said the LSU situation did not factor into their moves or timeline in any way, shape, or form.
Not rumors from the gossip mill that sells more papers. An actual direct quote that Texas never once allowed what was happening in Baton Rouge to ever even play into the equation.
They knew he wasn't signing before hearing from Texas.  They knew that because his representatives already told the entire world.

so his "leverage" changed exactly NOTHING about the situation. didn't change the timeline. didn't change the money.
i.e.: he didn't leverage jack or shyte.

but Alleva needed a "bad guy", so him and Fat Goebbels sold the fanbase on this leverage and playing LSU.

and our fans lapped it up despite it being readily available public knowledge for at least a week that this was exactly how it would go down.
and it went down literally EXACTLY the way they told us it would. With one exception, Alleva running away like a scared little school girl.

57 minutes ago, houtiger said:

  When you have two top flight offers, you have the power to choose.

except LSU had already pulled their offer because Herman had the audacity to want to hear all of his options before signing anything anywhere.
something he'd already been quoted as saying he wanted to do, so it should have surprised nobody.
in both of the articles I linked, it says point blank that he was going to listen to all offers.

Alleva tried to strong arm and force him to sign before anyone else interviewed him (and that was never ever ever going to happen).
then got his panties in a wad when Herman did what he always said he was going to do, listen to all options before making a decision.

Alleva choked.
because he is one of the worst AD's in college sports history, and easily the worst ever at LSU.

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You say my posts are rumor, but you don't know exactly when LSU pulled their offer.  The Texas deal with Herman was finalized at 4 am on Sat. the 26th.  As far as Texas knew, based on Herman's agent telling them LSU had a deal on the table, they were competing, and they moved to sign the deal asap.

I can't copy from this article in 2019 before the TX -LSU game, but it clarifies a lot.  You have criticized Alleva for years for not doing a coaching search after Herman turned him down, but Alleva had conducted a coaching search with a committee in the weeks before the 2016 A&M game, at least 10 coaches, and Herman came out 1 and Orgeron 2.


"A high placed LSU official said Herman was always going to Texas.  It just took a wakeup call in the form of the Herman-LSU news".

"Through deep talks with Armstrong the school had met Herman's requests and a contract was readied.  "We had the numbers worked out with Tom", Alleva said.

"While LSU officials were preparing for a flight to Houston to potentially offer their job to Herman, the negotiations between UT and the coach stretched into Saturday morning".  UT got an agreement by 5 am Saturday morning.  Herman's agent Trace Armstrong called Alleva to see if he could get more money from LSU and Alleva said no.


What caused TX to do the deal with Herman between 7 pm Friday night and 5 am Saturday morning was the knowledge that LSU had an offer ready, they had met Herman's terms through his agent Armstrong.

You don't post any articles to support your position, just your personal beliefs.

To think that LSU had met Herman's terms and readied a contract, and that had nothing to do with UT negotiating from 7 PM Friday to 5 am Saturday and concluding a deal, is just not believable.  Even the TX people say the LSU offer caused them to jump into action.




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i didn’t say your post was rumor. 
i highlighted the line in your article that said it was quoting “rumors”  


and i have posted multiple links with date stamps to the articles. 

one dated a full week before any of this fiasco happened announcing that Strong was being fired but was going to coach the final game and would be officially announced the following Saturday. 

and low and behold that’s exactly what happened. 

i also posted one with direct quotes from UT’s president saying point blank that the LSU situation played no part in their search or timeline. 


those aren’t guesses or opinions. 
these are direct quotes with date and time stamps on them. 

on November 20th it was reported in multiple outlets that the decision to fire Strong as already made and we would coach their last game on Friday (Nov 25) and “officially” fired on the Saturday (26th)

and guess what happened?
he was officially announced as fired on Nov 26th. 

a full 5-6 days before Herman “leveraged” Texas. it was widely reported what UT’s timeline was, and that’s the timeline they followed. 

a full 5-6 days before LSU had an “agreement”. 

here you go Dated November 20, 2016  
and i can link a half dozen more with the same reports if you want  





The decision was made Sunday by Texas to fire Strong after three seasons as head football coach, a source familiar with the process confirmed.

The official announcement may not come until after the final regular-season game against TCU on Friday, according to a school statement.

Another UT source said university leaders decided to wait until after the regular season out of respect for players.

"It would not be fair to the players for the university to pull support for the head coach before they finish the season," the source said.



again, this is 1 day shy of a full week before the fiasco. 

Strong gone. Will announce after the final game. 

Timeframe reported. 
Timeframe followed. 

must have had crazy leverage to put that timeline in place a week in advance !!


here’s an article leading up to our game with them in 2019 (i posted this one earlier too)



direct quote from Texas AD (not “rumors” or “sources” that your articles cite)




Perrin found out about the reports from donors and colleagues quickly enough. Now, he says it didn't force Texas' hand.

"LSU is a very fine institution. It's got a great history. I've got friends who've gone there, played there, supported it," Perrin said. "But that didn't play any part of my thinking.



so before it happened, they told you that it would and when it would. 

after it happened they tell you point blank LSU played no part in it and don’t force their hand. 



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On 5/23/2024 at 7:45 PM, Nutriaitch said:

i didn’t say your post was rumor. 
i highlighted the line in your article that said it was quoting “rumors”  


and i have posted multiple links with date stamps to the articles. 

one dated a full week before any of this fiasco happened announcing that Strong was being fired but was going to coach the final game and would be officially announced the following Saturday. 

and low and behold that’s exactly what happened. 

i also posted one with direct quotes from UT’s president saying point blank that the LSU situation played no part in their search or timeline. 


those aren’t guesses or opinions. 
these are direct quotes with date and time stamps on them. 

on November 20th it was reported in multiple outlets that the decision to fire Strong as already made and we would coach their last game on Friday (Nov 25) and “officially” fired on the Saturday (26th)

and guess what happened?
he was officially announced as fired on Nov 26th. 

a full 5-6 days before Herman “leveraged” Texas. it was widely reported what UT’s timeline was, and that’s the timeline they followed. 

a full 5-6 days before LSU had an “agreement”. 

here you go Dated November 20, 2016  
and i can link a half dozen more with the same reports if you want  




again, this is 1 day shy of a full week before the fiasco. 

Strong gone. Will announce after the final game. 

Timeframe reported. 
Timeframe followed. 

must have had crazy leverage to put that timeline in place a week in advance !!


here’s an article leading up to our game with them in 2019 (i posted this one earlier too)



direct quote from Texas AD (not “rumors” or “sources” that your articles cite)



so before it happened, they told you that it would and when it would. 

after it happened they tell you point blank LSU played no part in it and don’t force their hand. 



I have agreed that LSU did not force Texas to fire Strong, they had already decided that based on his record.

But, LSU having an offer on the table, and I showed a post that says LSU met Herman's terms on Friday, the day before Strong was fired.  Then I showed that Texas picked up Herman when they got back to Houston after the last Houston game, on Friday night and they negotiated until they struck a deal at 5 am Saturday morning.  Texas would not do that unless LSU had a viable offer on the table that had met Herman's terms and LSU was planning to do the paperwork and sign the deal on Saturday.  Herman was in the power negotiating position which forced Texas to act quickly.  Herman wanted the Texas job and he forced them to meet his terms and sign him quickly.

"A high placed LSU official said Herman was always going to Texas.  It just took a wakeup call in the form of the Herman-LSU news"

"Through deep talks with Armstrong the school had met Herman's requests and a contract was readied.  "We had the numbers worked out with Tom", Alleva said.

"While LSU officials were preparing for a flight to Houston to potentially offer their job to Herman, the negotiations between UT and the coach stretched into Saturday morning".  UT got an agreement by 5 am Saturday morning.  Herman's agent Trace Armstrong called Alleva to see if he could get more money from LSU and Alleva said no.

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1 hour ago, houtiger said:

I have agreed that LSU did not force Texas to fire Strong, they had already decided that based on his record.

so didn't leverage it?

1 hour ago, houtiger said:

But, LSU having an offer on the table, and I showed a post that says LSU met Herman's terms on Friday, the day before Strong was fired.  Then I showed that Texas picked up Herman when they got back to Houston after the last Houston game, on Friday night and they negotiated until they struck a deal at 5 am Saturday morning. 

Texas would not do that unless LSU had a viable offer on the table 

Alleva called Oregon at 5:30 am and announced a deal less than 2 hours later.




The call that would make Ed Orgeron LSU's full-time head coach went to voicemail. Sleeping in his bed at his Mandeville, La., home for the first time in eight weeks, Orgeron was awoken by LSU AD Joe Alleva's 5:30 a.m. call. He missed it. The coach dialed back immediately, and Alleva informed him his presence was requested in Baton Rouge.

Orgeron met with Alleva and the LSU board, and not long after a deal was struck. LSU announced it had a new coach at 7:02 a.m. local time, and FootballScoop broke the news shortly after that.


so who did O have a viable offer from?

I mean that's the ONLY reason you rush a deal like that, right?

if there was no other viable offers to have to match/beat, they could have just gotten together a few hours later over breakfast.


1 hour ago, houtiger said:

"A high placed LSU official said Herman was always going to Texas.  It just took a wakeup call in the form of the Herman-LSU news"


so Alleva/Ponamsky. 
just like I said.

thanks for confirming.


1 hour ago, houtiger said:

"Through deep talks with Armstrong the school had met Herman's requests and a contract was readied.  "We had the numbers worked out with Tom", Alleva said.

I don't doubt that he and LSU had talks about numbers.  LSU and Fisher had talks about numbers too.
LSU decided they didn't want to go any further with Jimbo because his number was too high.
They allegedly decided that Herman's numbers were acceptable and wanted to meet in person to reach a deal.

I've said all along that him having an alleged deal had nothing to do with him ending up at Texas.
He didn't speed up Texas' timeline (as I have shown in multiple links).
He got less money from Texas than LSU allegedly offered (I showed that in a link too).

so if he didn't speed up the timeline, and he didn't get any more money, then I ask again, what exactly did he leverage?

he is either the absolute worst negotiator in world history at using leverage, or ..... he didn't leverage anything.


1 hour ago, houtiger said:

"While LSU officials were preparing for a flight to Houston to potentially offer their job to Herman, the negotiations between UT and the coach stretched into Saturday morning".  UT got an agreement by 5 am Saturday morning.  Herman's agent Trace Armstrong called Alleva to see if he could get more money from LSU and Alleva said no.

according to who?
Alleva?  the guy I'm literally accusing of concocting this whole boogey-man leverage crap?

and why would he concoct that?



Even before that game, Alleva and committee members were smitten with Orgeron. In fact, two independent sources with knowledge of the ordeal believe that LSU planned to immediately announce Orgeron as its full-time coach if he were to have beaten Florida. Alleva does not confirm that, but says, “I think that would have made it an easier sell to the public. If he had won the Florida game, there would have been less people concerned about him. People concerned about him were concerned because of what he’d done at Ole Miss, but to me, there are a lot of great coaches who didn’t succeed at their first attempt at being a head coach.”

Alleva/Ponamsky needed a bad guy to cover for their complete incompetence.
they needed people to talk about Herman "playing" them instead of what really happened ... Alleva sucking massive donkey roostah at his job.

Texas publicly tells you point blank what they would do and when they would do it. 
Herman publicly tells you point blank he's not signing until he hears from everyone (i.e. Texas).
After the fact, Texas publicly tells you point blank that the LSU offer had absolutely no impact whatsoever on their timeline, who they were going to offer, what they were going to offer, etc.


nobody other than the Alleva/Ponamsky camp is spewing this "leverage" story.

the hire was always going to be O.
the Herman charade was there simply to appease the masses.

Call O at 5:30am tell him to come to Baton Rouge. Doesn't answer, but call back.
let's say 10 minutes from first time phone rang until he gets in his vehicle. 
5:40am.  It's over an hour drive from Mandeville to Baton Rouge.
6:40am.  Call it 5 minutes to get from truck to Alleva's office and sit down.

7:02am we announce that we have a head coach!

so in the neighborhood of 17 minutes of negotiating?

that deal pretty much had to have negotiated and agreed to well before that 5:30am phone call ever took place. no way in hell you hash out everything that needs to be hashed out for a contract in 17 minutes. Even if you had a rough idea of the details before you start.

of course that timeline throws a serious wrench into that whole "having a deal with Herman" story. And this fanbase would have had an absolute nuclear meltdown if we hired O with "trying" to land a bigger fish first.

hence the "Tom Herman leverage story" and not announcing the Hire of O until Saturday instead of Friday when simple common sense tells you the deal was most likely agreed upon.







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5 hours ago, Nutriaitch said:

according to who?
Alleva?  the guy I'm literally accusing of concocting this whole boogey-man leverage crap?

No.  If you read the SI article, the end of the sentence I typed, I can't copy and paste from the article, says "the two sides seemed to reach a deal around 5 am, ACCORDING TO ALL ACCOUNTS."

The SI reporters interviewed and quoted Herman, Trace Armstrong his agent, Mike Perrin (the then Texas AD) as well as Alleva.  SI had the story from all sides, Texas, Herman, and LSU.

You don't pick the coach up at 7pm in Houston when he just returned from his loss, and negotiate with him until you reach a deal at 5 AM, unless you are under pressure, and that pressure came from LSU.  Herman's agent told Texas where they stood with LSU, which put the pressure on Texas to act FAST, and they did.

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4 minutes ago, houtiger said:

No.  If you read the SI article, the end of the sentence I typed, I can't copy and paste from the article, says "the two sides seemed to reach a deal around 5 am, ACCORDING TO ALL ACCOUNTS."

I'm not debating them coming to a deal at 5am

I'm asking WHO said Armstrong reached out to LSU for more money?
considering I've posted multiple links saying Herman signed for LESS MONEY than LSU's alleged offer.

4 minutes ago, houtiger said:

The SI reporters interviewed and quoted Herman, Trace Armstrong his agent, Mike Perrin (the then Texas AD) as well as Alleva.  SI had the story from all sides, Texas, Herman, and LSU.

SI is who quoted Texas AD saying the LSU "deal" had absolutely no bearing on the Firing of Strong or timing of Herman deal.

4 minutes ago, houtiger said:

You don't pick the coach up at 7pm in Houston when he just returned from his loss, and negotiate with him until you reach a deal at 5 AM, unless you are under pressure, and that pressure came from LSU. 

You don't call a coach at 5:30am and rush into a deal in less than 2 hours unless you are under pressure.

so where did that pressure come from?

4 minutes ago, houtiger said:

Herman's agent told Texas where they stood with LSU, which put the pressure on Texas to act FAST, and they did.

once agin, direct quotes from the Texas AD




Perrin found out about the reports from donors and colleagues quickly enough. Now, he says it didn't force Texas' hand.

"LSU is a very fine institution. It's got a great history. I've got friends who've gone there, played there, supported it," Perrin said. "But that didn't play any part of my thinking. I couldn't worry about other things I had no knowledge of."


LSU did not force his hand.
LSU didn't play ANY PART of his thinking.

combine that with the timeline that Alleva himself gave of events (phone call at 5am from Herman, hang up call O, and have deal in place and signed all in a 2 hour span), and it all adds up to Alleva being completely and totally full of shyte.

Which is exactly in character for him.

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The TX AD said that LSU's presence in the pursuit of Herman was a "wakeup call".  That's pressure.

As far as Alleva announcing Orgeron Saturday morning, O clearly did not have another offer and he wanted the LSU job.  Alleva's rush to announce it was an attempt to make he loss of Herman to Texas look less bad.

Alleva said he had O #1 the whole time, but others on the committee wanted Herman.  Once Herman was not available, the committee had Orgeron #2, they had completed their search and ranked the candidates according to the SI article, and there was not need to wait.  LSU had over half a football season to make up their minds.  That was not the case at TX.  I have not heard they were conducting a search while Strong was still the coach, except for talking to Herman.

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Blake Ochsendorf
  • Position
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Class
    Redshirt Senior
  • Hometown
    Savage, Minn.
  • High School
    Prior Lake HS
  • Prev School
    Eastern Michigan




Lead Conference USA and ranked 16th nationally with a 45.72 punting average … Lead CUSA with a 48.09 punting average during league play which is the third-best mark nationally in league games… Leads Conference USA with 17 punts of 50 or more yards this season … Had 17 punts of 50+ yards, the most by a LA Tech player in over a decade … 18 of his punts were downed inside the 20 yard line which ranked second among all CUSA punters … Opponents fair-caught 25 of his punts, the most among all CUSA punters … Had a conference-best 70-yard punt in the season finale at Jacksonville State (Nov. 18). The punt was tied for the eighth-longest in program history … Finished the season as the all-time leader in career punting average at Louisiana Tech at 45.72 (minimum of 50 punts) … Registered a 66-yard punt at UTEP which was the 12th-longest in program history (Sept. 29).

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Most likely, Herman's agent TOLD TX he was about to sign at LSU even tho he really wasn't and those talks probably broke down long before.  He never had any intention of coming here.  Like Nootch said, it sounds like the contract with O was already done which tells me Herman may have just been jacking with TX.

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2 hours ago, dachsie said:

Most likely, Herman's agent TOLD TX he was about to sign at LSU even tho he really wasn't and those talks probably broke down long before.  

most likely LSU had nothing to do with it at all, just like the Texas AD said.

2 hours ago, dachsie said:

Like Nootch said, it sounds like the contract with O was already done which tells me Herman may have just been jacking with TX.

oh it was absolutely already done. Unless you truly believe one was negotiated and agreed to in less than 20 minutes.
which means the deal with Herman never existed.

only person saying it did was Alleva.
a guy well known for being completely full of shyte and grossly incompetent at his job.



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Posted (edited)

With all his problems I’ve often wondered how the hell LSU ended up hiring that fool. The lacrosse scandal cost Duke millions to settle with the players. And in the middle of all that he and his son who was intoxicated got in a boating accident with his head ripped open: https://www.espn.com/college-sports/news/story?id=2501915

Edited by Hatchertiger
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14 hours ago, Hatchertiger said:

With all his problems I’ve often wondered how the hell LSU ended up hiring that fool. The lacrosse scandal cost Duke millions to settle with the players. And in the middle of all that he and his son who was intoxicated got in a boating accident with his head ripped open: https://www.espn.com/college-sports/news/story?id=2501915


throw in their media towel boy Derek Ponamsky, who has a felony conviction on his record for falsifying his river boat license and is widely known to have been the narrative writer for them all since before the campaign for HC job began.

then add O whose reputation has been dirty as fornicate since at least as far back as his Miami days.

and you have an impressive collection of shady ass characters all weaving a story that goes against what the public evidence tells you.  

sorry, but I'm not buying what any of those crooked bastards are selling.

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  • 2 months later...

Before committing to LSU, Markway was a four-star recruit in the 2023 class and the No. 15 tight end recruit in the country, per 247Sports composite rankings. He was also the No. 242 overall recruit, regardless of position. 

He joined a Nebraska program that's ready to take the next step in a rebuild. Matt Rhule led the program to a 5-7 record last year and will look to at least get to a bowl game this year.

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On 8/27/2024 at 6:07 PM, LSUDad said:


Before committing to LSU, Markway was a four-star recruit in the 2023 class and the No. 15 tight end recruit in the country, per 247Sports composite rankings. He was also the No. 242 overall recruit, regardless of position. 

He joined a Nebraska program that's ready to take the next step in a rebuild. Matt Rhule led the program to a 5-7 record last year and will look to at least get to a bowl game this year.

Right where I predicted he'd land.



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LSU Linebacker West Weeks will use his redshirt to comeback for the 2025 season

By Nicholas Rome | Oct 15, 2024




LSU v USC / Candice Ward/GettyImages

A name that has popped up on the injury report the past few weeks has been veteran linebacker West Weeks. The older brother of Whit has been dealing with an injury that has left him sidelined which raised red flags after LSU lost Harold Perkins Jr for the season with an ACL injury.

After dealing with an injury and being stuck behind Greg Penn III and Whit Weeks, West Weeks has decided to use his redshirt year so he can return to LSU in 2025 according to LSU Odyssey.

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